
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Amnesty International report "discrimination against women and gay men"

Amnesty International Report on police killings Wednesday, 28 May 2008 The Annual global human rights report from Amnesty International has cited Jamaica's high murder rate and an increase in police killings being among major blots on the country's human rights record.

The report has recorded high incidents of police brutality, violence against women and a failing justice system.

Of Jamaica, Amnesty writes that murder rates and police killings in socially excluded inner city communities remain at a high level with another record high for murders during 2007 of more than 1,500 people.

There are also reports of increased police brutality with reports of 203 people killed by the police between January and September.

The report also says violence and discrimination against women and gay men was widespread.

Amnesty also spoke of police excesses and reports that several persons were killed by the police.

It also reported on Trinidad's witness protection programme saying the programme was constantly being criticised.

Bahamas was bashed in the report for cases of violence against women.
to view more go to:
Amnesty condemns homophobic violence:
Human Rights Treaties:

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