
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Deaths statistics regarding homophobic crimes in Jamaica (Flashback)

1982-2001 Statistics
Julius Powell of J-FLAG: 'We have had 47 murders since 1982 which we have directly attributed to their sexual orientation'. (source:, December 2001)

1997-2002 Statistics
More than 30 gay men have been murdered in Jamaica in the past five years. (source: The Guardian, October 2002)

1997-2004 Statistic
At least 30 gay men are believed to have been murdered since 1997, according to published reports.


According to the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays, J-FLAG, more than ten homosexuals were killed on the island, between 2005-2006 alone. Last year, there were 40 assaults. (source: BBC report: Coming Out in Jamaica, July 2007) (transcript from the Jamaican For Justice interview)

JULY 2007:
Interviewer: "I asked Carolyn Gomes from the Human Rights Group Jamaicans For Justice, if attacks were increasing?" Carolyn Gomes: "We do know that between last year and this year that mob violence against gays is up. 

We certainly are aware it's a huge problem. 

These are people beaten to the point of nearly close to death". (source: BBC report: Coming Out in Jamaica, July 2007) (transcript from the Jamaican For Justice interview)


Between February and July of this year, 98 gay men and lesbians were targeted in 43 different mob attacks, according to the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays. 

Four lesbians were raped, four gay men were murdered, and the houses of two gay men were burned down. (source: Newsweek)

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