
Thursday, June 5, 2008

PM was right

PM was right
published: Thursday June 5, 2008

The Editor, Sir:

The Prime Minister, the Honourable Bruce Golding, is to be commended for his forthrightness and honesty in the position he took on the B.B.C. regarding homosexuality. All Jamaicans of goodwill should support his stand.

I personally served with homosexuals in the army and in politics. They are mostly vicious, manipulative, scheming and careless with the truth. May I suggest to the prime minister that he takes a close look within his Cabinet for any such person(s).

We are a nation of laws, and that is how we keep order. The Roman Empire fell because of homosexuality. Jamaica suffers from a virus of lost standards. Well done, prime minister, your stand is to be applauded.

I am, etc.,
Walker's Wood P.O

1 comment:

  1. u r a damn bigot, Rome did not fall because of homosexuality, go do your research
