
Monday, June 16, 2008

Possible Loss of Civil Liberties......

Are you prepared to lose aspects of our civil liberties in the name of solving the horrible crime problem we are having now? with the raging debate of how to solve the high level of murders, almost everyday, is it sad.
For us as gay people I just have a fear that police excesses will increase once again if proper reporting and monitoring procedures aren't put in place and as for us as gay people with us under the microscope these days I fear we may come under open homophobia from them.
With all improvements we have seen and yes there have been some improvements in police, public relations, especially the LGBT community I fear we may just regress to the "old days" of excesses towards us.
For example police entering private property where a party is held in the name of a search without a warrant and heckling and jeering.
Think on these things friends.............what do you think
by Howie

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