
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rumours & gays

Rumours & gays
published: Wednesday June 11, 2008

The Editor, Sir:
Leslie Lloyd in supporting PM Golding's declared exclusion of gays from his
Cabinet said he agreed with the stance especially since having served in both politics and the army he had experienced first-hand the manipulation and lies supposedly common to gays - traits which made them unfit for public office.

In the first instance, these vices are not the exclusive domain of gays. Irrespective of race, sexual practice and
education, people are capable of doing and have done the same things from the beginning of time.

potential implications
More important is the potential implications of the PM's exclusion policy. In Jamaica, just the mere rumour of someone being homosexual is enough to ostracise him/her and in some cases "invite" violent attacks among the more ignorant. If the PM's position is to be maintained, he would have to investigate every potential rumour about persons being considered for his Cabinet.
I am, etc.,

Kingston 6

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