
Friday, June 6, 2008

Transgender Care & Information

What is Gender and Who is Transgendered?
Gender is more complex than the expression of maleness or femaleness. The complex journey towards one's own personal gender expression is explored and transgenderism is explained. This article will enable the reader to answer the question, "Am I transgendered?"

Gender Expressions
Gender Expressions helps separate fact from myth, addressing key questions regarding transition: What is transition?, Is transition for me? How and where do I find help in my transition?

epilate(ep´i-lat)To extract a hair; to remove the hair from a part by forcible extraction, electrolysis, or loosening at the root by chemical means. Cf. depilate. [L. e, out, + pilus, a hair]

depilate(dep´i-lat)To remove hair by any means. Cf. epilate. [L. de-pilo, pp. -atus, to deprive of hair, fr. de- neg. + pilo, to grow hair]

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