
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Doc gets bail for sexual offence ... again, hhhhmmmm curious

Rasbert Turner, Star Writer
Spanish Town

A medical doctor and another man who are both charged with buggery were granted bail when they appeared in the Spanish Town Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday.
It took great effort from the defence to secure bail for the doctor as the crown opposed his bail saying he is charged with a another sexual offence currently before the Corporate Area RM Court.
The RM told the accused man's lawyer that sections of the Bail Act would be applied as the doctor has been charged with a crime while on bail for a similar offence.
The lawyer, however, while conceding that the RM was right, told the court that his client has always turned up for his cases and will continue to do so. Following this, he was granted $250,000 bail. The co-accused was granted $150,000 bail. Both men will return to court on July 18.

Allegations are that on June 26, a 23-year-old man was lured to an apartment occupied by the doctor and four others. There, the court heard, he was held at gunpoint and all four took turns, sexually molesting him. He was also attacked the following day and had to run.
Police had originally held four men but two were later released. The police say they are searching for two other men in connection with the incident.
Both accused travel documents were seized and they are to report to Spanish Town Police station, Mondays and Fridays between 7am and 7pm - a fact the Star conveniently omitted.
here are some questions here that need asking
1. was the so called victim up for this in the first place?
2. why didn't he report the matter to the police?
3. since the act was so gruesome why didn't he come back with a mob as usually happens when gays are accused?
4. why didn't he leave the area then? .......that he was allegedly attacked again
5. were all the accused tested by a doctor and a report produced?
6. why were two of the accused released?
7. was the victim tested by a doctor and found to be penetrated penally?
8. why was the doctor given bail again? seeing he is already on a previous charge
9. was the doctor in St. Catherine at the time of the incident ?
10. why are the date so conflicting? first we heard March and then June
11. where are the gun(s)?
this case seems peculiar....let's hear your views

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