
Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Vicious Anti-Trans Attack

One of the first ever formal transphobic attacks on record as Jamaica Forum for Lesbians Allsexuals and Gays never covered this area as widely then until we came across the phenomenon with this client, it was there I got fired up about transgender issues in depth and commenced my research on the associated issues.

At around 2:40am Sunday September 21, 2008 the above photographed victim was befriended by two males at a park in New Kingston, pretending to help "her" out. New Kingston is widely known for open commercial sex work by mostly women and males as cross dressers servicing specific clients then who are aware of the demarcations. While sitting at a bus stop initially near the park, the two males who were passing by presented themselves as keeping her company, around some time after the men offered to keep her warm, as it turned out this was a front to launch their planned assault on the victim.

The victim who is a pre-operative transsexual presents as a woman so the men believing the victim was female attempted to rape her.

She fought vigorously to be free of her attackers, however not before sustaining the injuries photographed where a knife was used to slash her throat, they tried to strangle her and ripped her blouse and pants off, It was at this juncture that upon realising she was a "he" they inflicted the slashing.

The security guards on the premises nearby were not very helpful, when she tried to seek help partially nude, after escaping her attackers, who by this time made off with her cash amounting to $JA9000.00, a cell phone and other personal effects, one guard apparently attempted to pull his firearm and told her to get away.

It was a commercial sex worker on the strip who saw her and assisted her by calling the police. They arrived and took her to the hospital and instructed her to file a report after getting medical attention.

She subsequently contacted JFLAG representatives who arrived at the hospital to her aid where she remained for some days before being released, she recuperated and was having trouble finding a permanent shelter at the time of her displacement.

August 2011
Since all that she has had to endure some problems resettling and so on and at one point was homeless for a short period with just some assistance from Jamaica AIDS Support where she was allowed to occupy an area for a short time. She has since then recovered and is self employed while presenting as a woman as she is pre-operative Male to Female.

Peace and tolerance


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