
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Babi Watch

As you might have realised we have been following this asylum case closely in a bid to show you the rigors of asylum seeking that can occur, even a high profile case such as this proves that there are no guarantees as many of you here in Jamaica would like to believe, it is not as easy as it looks people!!
(Babi pictured on the left) was deported despite protests from various quarters.
Click his image to see the latest update from NoBordersWales' blog, they even sited us as well, wonderful work guys!! and thanx for the recognition.
"Babi sought asylum in the UK in 2006 following years of persecution because of his sexuality. His brothers on finding out that he was gay had threatened to kill him, with one attack from his eldest brother leaving him with only eight teeth......" CONTINUE HERE
I am sure they, NoBorders will keep us abreast of his sujourns.
We are praying for him.

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