
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Opposition, People's National Party condemns anti gay comments as dangerous precedence

The PNP issued a statement condemning the anti gay sentiments expressed by MP Ernest Smith last week, reported on a radio news item the opposition called the comments a dangerous precedence and diatribe, the MP's comments could be seen as insighting violence against homosexuals given the strong anti gay sentiments in the society, the statement was reported to have said also that the member of Parliament's utterances could expose innocent persons to grave danger and prejudice, the PNP labelled Mr. Smith's allegations that homosexuals have a propensity to commit violent acts as unfounded and inflammatory.

They lambasted the MP saying that he lacks the evidence to state the police force is overrun by gays, it called on all political leaders to refrain from excesses of language or extreme positions that may insight violence or discriminatory conduct against any minority group in Jamaica, the opposition also said this is particularly important to the homosexual community given the deep seated cultural aversion to homosexuality in Jamaica.

The physical safety and broader human rights of these citizens should not be undermined by gratuitous political grandstanding on the issue, it notes Mr. Smith's intransigence has now extended to a crusade calling for the outlawing of the association formed to promote the human rights of the homosexual community in Jamaica, JFLAG.

The PNP said it is calling on the government to state publicly that it rejects Mr. Smith's series of pronouncements, coming from a government MP, his unbalanced comments can only damage Jamaica's international reputation for respecting the human rights of all citizens.

1 comment:

  1. I am pleasantly surprised by this.

    Things and times are changing...slowly but surely.
