
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Possible for a man to be Raped?

Today's Gleaner Cartoon
The laughing kid says it all, people just don't expect in Jamaica to hear of a man being raped by a woman, probably a man though. There is a story of a taxi driver in Central Jamaica now known as "Roundhole" who was attacked at home with his wife present several years ago by gunmen it is said that he was almost sodomised by two of the men who tried but failed.

He tried reporting the matter to the police who laughed at him in disbelief as he was crying and shamed by the incident, if there is any truth to it I am not sure but the other taxi drivers teased him mercilessly whenever he came on the streets, it took him a while to restart his taxi service, even today as he traverse the routes he services you can still hear the occasional taunt "Roundhole" hurled at him.

UPDATE May 26, 2011

Since this original post in 2009 another story this time of more clandestine homosexuality was reported in 2010 and published on my sister blog on Wordpress:

The Incident in question in summary based on reported accounts, the young man is in hiding.
The 23 year old man plies his rented handcart in a section of the market district and usually returns to his small shack which sits in a depressed section across volatile political boundaries in Kingston. On a faithful Saturday in August of this year he returned his rented cart that he uses in the market district to ply his trade of assisting shoppers to carry produce and organic food items to the bus-stop or car park for a nominal fee, on his way home by foot around 7:30 pm he took a route that he regularly takes to get home, bearing in mind that as early as this time is some parts of Kingston can be very lonely and given the absence of the main don who is away on trial in another country “the order” of things has changed.

There is a fight as it seems for turf and power in the market region which has not escalated to violence due to the strong police presence there and the local authorities push to bring formal order.

The man was approached by three men who questioned him, he answered them telling them what he had done etc thinking he would be OK as it was not customary to abuse anyone in the imaginary safety line of that zone as drawn by the dons. He was robbed allegedly at gunpoint and told to go to nearby bushes where they would decide his fate. The men however at first asked him if him “love man?” somewhere during the conversation although my sources suggest he is not effeminate of looks so either. They eventually attempted to take turns with him at gun point and to carry out anal sex but he resisted as best as he could, the men told him that they were not going to kill him they wanted some “batty” for the night. The ordeal was said to have gone on for almost an hour and after several attempts in trying to penetrate him they gave up it seems and demanded he performed oral sex on them and that he did reluctantly.

The sexual abuse ended but what allegedly happened next is what really sparked this post, the men while smoking marijuana sat and discussed their sexual encounters with other men and their ways of hiding their real sexual desires from their baby mothers and female sexual partners, they tried to enlist the participation of their “victim” in the post sex discussion but he barely answered when prompted to as he was said to have felt bad.

They proceeded to warn him that he must make himself available when they need him and he must keep it quiet, they even asked if he knew other men around the area who may get down (my words)? One of the men in particular was very upset at men who engaged in paedophilia and says he doesn’t like boys as they are too young.
ENDS (updates may follow)


Judging by this synopsis we do have thugs who really want to get down but some questions come to mind and I am not an expert so let’s discuss this please send responses or comment if you have such expertise.
Email just in case:

  1. Are there men who really want to hit it but due to societal pressure they are prepared to steal it instead?
  2. It is a case of abuse due to the power differential of the men in not only numbers but the fact that they are armed?
  3. Did you think they surmise that the young man may have been inclined so they didn’t harm him?
  4. How should the advocates handle issues like this?
  5. Do you think the issue of clandestine homosexual behaviour should be a main discussion point in presenting arguments for gay rights or tolerance?
  6. Can this also be categorized as homophobia in a way?

read the rest HERE

Well some humour for a serious subject which I will follow up on soon, expert opinions welcomed.


1 comment:

  1. Under the bill currently making its way through Parliament, a woman cannot rape a man, nor can a man rape another man. In thier aim to prevent any challenge to the buggery laws, they defined rape narrowly to refer only to penal-vaginal penetration (and if Hyacinth Bennett has her way, only those that are defined at birth). The downside is that a man who is sexually penetrated by another man will have to rely on the buggery law, and the punishment as it stands would be less than what is proposed for rape. Similarly, the law will now have to specifically define a woman forcibly having sex with a man and attach a penalty that is similar to rape, to avoid an imbalance in the punishment regime.
    It is the ever more complex web that Parliament continues to weave, just so they can keep gays from having the freedom to be intimate without prosecution.
