
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Homophobic Violence Ernie Smith & Venom

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Jamaica may be one of the most violently homophobic societies in the world. This piece explores the dark side of Jamaica's culture of anti-gay violence and attitudes and explores the ideological beliefs that perpetuate it.

This video is part of a global conversation about HIV/AIDS, stigma, secrecy and homophobia. Join the conversation and tell us your story at:

Produced and Directed by Micah Fink
Correspondent: Lisa Biagiotti
Director of Photography: Gabrielle Weiss
Editor Gabrielle Weiss
Produced in association with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting and Worldfocus
With support from the M-A-C AIDS Fund

Also see the audio posts also hosted on GLBTQJA's NING membership page

Find more music like this on GLBTQ Jamaica Members' LINKUP or

1 comment:

  1. Smith is a real demagogue, pandering to the lowest common denominator. I heard that at the same time he was also defending a gay man in court who had been charged with buggery or gross indecency. This video shows we have to keep up the pressure.
