
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Shirley Richards spews more homophobic garbage (letter to the Gleaner 23.09.09)

Again this woman, a member of the lawyer's christian council who gave submissions in the sexual offences bill debate is at it again .... hiding behind her pen and not giving a return email for anyone to respond, I wonder if she realizes that just by getting this kind of letter published is a homophobic act itself. interestingly the post below this was submitted to the Gleaner as well by it's author, he was ignored.

the letter reads
Jamaicans homophobic? That's a lie!

The Editor, Sir:

I write in response to an article which appeared in your September 16 edition, written by attorney-at-law Gordon Robinson under the heading, 'Is this governance? Or is it the Guy Lombardo show?'

One has to express agreement with Robinson regarding what could appear to be delay on the part of the Government in the matter of dealing with a current extradition request. In the interest of transparency and good governance, the Government ought to provide the nation with such details, as are possible, in the circumstances at the appropriate time.

Fanning the flames

In the very same article, Robinson accused the prime minister of fanning "the flames of violence against homosexuals". This is a dangerous strategy as it means that those of us who dare to speak out against this and other moral wrongs run the risk of being tagged with crimes for which we bear no responsibility, directly or indirectly. Whoever murdered John Terry, irrespective of the motive, must be brought before the courts and tried. The same goes for all other murders.

Note, however, how powerful the homosexual lobby is. They have managed to change the meaning of certain words to suit their agenda, including the words 'gay' and 'homophobic'. Young people reading historical records of individuals who lived decades ago, and who were described as 'gay' in their own lifetimes, will have only one understanding of that adjective in relation to that individual.

Principled stance

So it is that Robinson and others would like us to accept that we are a 'homophobic' people. Don't accept that label Jamaicans! We are a people who are taking a principled stance in relation to the homosexual lifestyle. That does not make us homophobic! However, as a people we would go further and apply this principled stand to other areas of sexual conduct!

Robinson and I can, however, agree on at least one thing, that is that the law must take its course in regards to both the matter of Terry's murder and also in regard to the matter of the current extradition request.

I am, etc.,


Kingston 10

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