
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jamaica Observer "Outs" drag queen irresponsibly

According to the Jamaica Observer a drag queen was the centre of attention in central Jamaica after being caught in a car with a man in a compromising position. The police who took both persons in for questioning didn't realise the drag diva was in fact so. The individual whose photos appears in the article as far as I am concerned is now in danger by virtue two full faced images revealing her identity, the man who was also in the car was not shown.

Here it reads:

A male cross-dresser who police said was caught in a compromising position in a car with another man early Friday morning, created a lot of chatter in May Pen yesterday as news of the incident spread throughout that town.

The police say they noticed the two involved in a dispute in a Toyota Mark II motorcar parked at a lonely spot near a petrol station along Manchester Avenue.

The police took both persons to the May Pen Police Station where it was discovered that the 'woman' was actually a man dressed in drag.

Police say they suspect that the cross-dresser is a prostitute and had sought to sell his wares to the unsuspecting male customer, who was riding a bicycle on Manchester Avenue when he was approached by the prostitute.

The man was reportedly beside himself with rage upon discovering that he was intimately involved with a man and a heated argument developed.

His suspicions were confirmed when the police inspected a driver's licence and voter's ID belonging to the suspected prostitute and discovered that he was in fact a man who hailed from a Gregory Park, St Catherine address.

As news spread like wildfire throughout the town, a large crowd converged on the station to catch a glimpse of the drag queen who was clad in a tight-fitting blouse, jeans shorts, high heeled shoes, loop earrings and a wig.

The cross-dresser sported false eyelashes and neatly shaven eyebrows.

The police say they admonished and discharged both men.

My two cents
The Observer however again has shown callousness in this matter by showing a photograph of the individual thus exposing her to all, do they not realise the danger this could pose to her person? Yes, report the story but don't expose the accused in this manner, I am sure a rape victim or any other charged citizen whose life may be at risk if exposed in such a manner the responsible Editors would not and in some cases could not allow their identities to be revealed so openly.

Luckily the incident did not descend into chaos and the police apparently from all reports took control of the situation pretty early despite the news reaching the public outside the precincts of the station.

There are no laws that speak to cross dressing etc but they may have been charged with gross indecency since they were allegedly in a public place as the police indicated in a compromising position.

It has been reported that many outside the station were laughing or saying they couldn't believe what they were saying and how "she" looked good others were scaving in their remarks including some of the officers who were visibly upset as expected and condemned "her" and the male partner with fire and brimstone, the crowd also had some Rastafarians present as well.

It was only recently the police had issued warnings in certain areas especially of outdoor shenanigans and advised the public of the relevant charges that may apply for soliciting and outdoor sexual activity.

Peace and tolerance.



  1. I thought it said they were released without charge.

  2. the photograph of the individual is the problem which I didnt put here. That could put her in trouble. The Observer could have reported the story without showing photos

  3. The story generated a great many comments. One said he could not believe the supposed client had made a mistake since guys in drag don't look that much like women. The guy/girl in the photo looks quite nice, but rather sad.
