
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Not in My Cabinet" but we protect dons by legal semantics, we give away your national airline, oh no JLP

All the major newspapers have been taking a swipe at the Jamaica Labour Party administration for its stance on the Dudus issue finding so called justified reasons not to honour an extradition request from the United States and then the gunfire that erupted in Hannah Town yesterday following the said gentleman's birthday bash see: Hell breaks loose in West Kingston from the Jamaica Observer (cartooned below centre.)
It was so easy for the Prime Minister to brush off any idea of entertaining the GLBTQ issues and that infamous BBC appearance where he categorically said he would have no known gays knowingly in his cabinet although they are there. On the mantra of fairness, rights and justice for all Jamaicans the Jamaica Labour Party campaigned in 2007's general election and barely won by a slim majority but as we have seen it was all talk and no backing action. Sadly the JLP is loosing the fight on the ground as the Dudus issue heats up one wonders if yesterday's encounter the police had in West Kingston was an attempt to find Dudus as the cops said they were looking for wanted men, three men died and three cops were shot and injured.

A good percentage of the public like myself are left in a daze as the legal luminaries, commentators and leaks to so called friendly press pushes the debate as to the PM's stance on not extraditing Dudus because the US allegedly broke the law by obtaining evidence in the form of wiring tapping the don's phone. Above are some of the cartoons that have been blistering in their shots at the PM and his ministers.

also see:
Where 'Dudus' Coke meets Transparency International

Let 'Dudus' have his day in court - Part 2
'Dudus defence'

Air J in the meantime:
One wonders if they will ever live down the so called divestment of Air Jamaica which on the face of it turned out to be a lie as the recent statements by the Trinidadian Transport Minister where he indicted that Caribbean Airlines was only interested in Air J's profitable routes and as to the staff at Air J who knows what will become of them.

Well he may have conveniently swept the gay issue under the carpet for now but certainly other issues have arisen let's see how it plays out, a second term looks unlikely. The gay issues are not going away anytime soon.

Peace and tolerance


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