
Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Report on the Walk for Tolerance by a participant

Angel a GLBTQ Jamaica NING Social Page member writes.........

My simple and unofficail report on the "walk for Tolerance.

“Walk for Tolerance”
Montego Bay Jamaica

April 7, 2010 was a historic day. On that day persons from all parts of society who are affected or infected by HIV/AIDS took a stand for their human rights, called for tolerance and called for an end to the violence and discrimination against such groups.

Participants included; allies, sex workers, and LGBTIs among others.

The walk which was spearheaded by the Jamaica Aids Support for Life took place in Montego Bay and began at the Howard Cooke Park and ended at Dump-up beach. Signs calling for tolerance, pamphlets, banners and a grand rainbow flag were displayed during the walk.

Official reports state that approximately one hundred (100) persons took place in the “Walk”. There were over ten (10) groups and organizations that took part in the “Walk”, including the Ministry of Health and Metropolitan Community Churches (with ministers including Rev. Nancy Wilson (moderator) present).

At the end of the walk, under a tent at Dump-up beach there were short presentations and greetings from the groups that participated. Booths were set up where persons could get more information on HIV/AIDS, get tested and sign up as volunteers (with Red Cross).

I am pleased to have been part of this Historic Event and look forward to being part of many more, as we continue sounding the call for tolerance and non-discrimination.


Peace to you all

Angel, Jamaica

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