
Monday, May 17, 2010

Scenes from IDAHO Silent protest in New Kingston

Emancipation Park today International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia was the scene of the above captured scenes to mark the day. The participants mostly Jamaicans on the face of it had several foreigners as well as indicated in the press release from JFLAG seen below.

Many of the ordinary Gay Jamaicans never even knew of this planned action and would have wanted to attend, this is symptomatic of the kind of classist internally bigotted way of advocacy a constant complaint echoed over and over again by folks who want to participate. This doesn't auger well for trust in them.

Just a select few excluding the voices of others and then asking the public to be tolerant of homosexuality is at best hypocritical to those who have some inside knowledge. We do hope that the JFLAG website will reflect the images and the new press release as the old one still stands on their page.

Anyway Happy IDAHO DAY!!!!

Celebrate yourselves

Peace and tolerance


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