
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Tell Me Pastor" shows clear ignorance & stereotyping of lesbians


Once again Pastor Aaron Dumas from the Star's "Tell Me Pastor" column is at it again this time stereo typing lesbians and lesbian coaches, portraying lesbians as nothing more than nasty women who are experimenting with lesbian sex, someone please help this idiot!
He has a radio show at night on Power 106FM streamed through Go Jamaica dot com broadcast Mondays to Fridays 9pm - 12am where he is to have given advice on abuse and other ills over the years as a Psychologist, one can imagine the flawed information he has passed on the airwaves? (streams are presently free)
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This is what he advised a writer (letter looks suspicious as this blog and Gay Jamaica Watch has questioned the validity of previous publications before now) to his newspaper column about a show he had recently with some lesbian guests (a show I missed unfortunately, investigating to try to get a copy of the tape) the writer's letter is in regular type while the pastor's answer is in blue font, see what you make of his answer.
Talk sbout ignorance and lack of understanding coming from a religious leader, who one expects far better from. This demonstrated all out lesbophobia here in my estimation.


The letter reads: "Lesbians on your talk show"

Dear Pastor,

I write regarding your recent discussion with the lesbians on your talk show. I do not believe that being treated badly by men is good cause for women to become lesbians. There are lesbians who have never been with men and so have never been beaten or abused by them. So that would not be their reason for being gay.

I bet you will never hear a man say that he is gay because his last girlfriend mistreated him. I think one would have to be curious as to what it would be like to be with another woman and then decide that they would like to choose that lifestyle.

breakdown in the morals

I would also like to add that I don't think that lesbians are in abundance all of a sudden. I just think people are now more aware of things because of the introduction of the cable television and the Internet. There is also a breakdown in the morals of our society so people are not afraid to speak out as they once were a few years ago.

Another thing too, is that one of the women on the programme said that if she didn't use a condom when she was having sex with her personal man, she could get pregnant. Are there no other ways for the women to protect themselves from pregnancy?

The only method of contraceptive for men is the condom but there are so many different methods for women. So, that is just another excuse.


Answer from Pastor Dumas:

Dear M.N.,

What you have written has merit. Many lesbians use the excuse of abuse as reason for becoming gay. But it is an excuse and nothing but an excuse. Most girls who are lesbians were introduced to the lifestyle by other girls. They were told that it is "nice" to be gay than to have men as lovers. Many experimented with it in high school. Some high schools are known to have a very high number of lesbians.

And, unfortunately, many lesbians have admitted that they got involved with their female coaches who invited them home for sleepovers and introduced homosexual behaviour to them.

Never shall I forget a woman who came to see me, in tears, because her daughter refused to return home after she spent a couple days with her female coach. Now, I do not want anybody to believe that I am saying that all female coaches are lesbians. I am not saying that at all. I am just making a point that many lesbians have become involved with their coaches and other members of their team.

daily necessities

These girls were not abused by men. Many were offered money and were promised that they were not to worry about meeting their daily necessities. All they had to do was to love women and not become involved with men.

It is true that cable television, Internet and the availability of pornographic movies have all contributed to giving people the impression that the gay lifestyle is normal. No one should condemn any individual who is gay, but that does not mean that one has to accept their way of life.


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