
Friday, June 11, 2010

Another disturbing paedophile accusation, homosexuality & paedohilia misconstrued

According to the Star News today 72-Y-O BUGGERS HIS OWN GRANDSON? - Grandpa accused of molesting 8-year-old an elderly man was charged with allegedly buggering his grandson. If this story is to be believed it's cases like this that make the case for justifying adult male homosexuality as not preditory weak as the public usual arrives at the conclusion with the aid of those who ought to know better that gays are interested in getting into little boys pants.

The story in the Star reads:

Rasbert Turner, Star Writer

A 72-year-old St Catherine man who was accused of buggering his eight-year-old grandson has been charged by the Ewarton Police in St Catherine.

THE STAR was informed that it was alleged that on May 1 the senior citizen sexually molested the boy who lived with him. It is said that the child's parents also live in the same yard, however, the boy lived with the old man.

After the ordeal, the child was alleged to have been threatened by his attacker and warned not to tell anyone about what had happened. However, it is said that relatives observed the child behaving in an unusual manner and when he was questioned, he alleged that the accused man had molested him. The child was medically examined and it was reportedly proven that he had been buggered.

An investigation was launched in the matter, which resulted in criminal charges being brought against the elderly man.

The accused man, whose name is being withheld, is to appear in the Linstead Resident Magistrate's Court later this week to answer to the charge.

THE STAR was also told that additional charges could be brought against the accused under the Child Care and Protection Act.

We must however condemn such acts publicly but then again we must also question why incidents like this happen to our children? The experts tell us that most paedophiles are usually heterosexual even when they comit homosexual rape or abuse.

See the tabs on Ephebophilia and paedohpila below this post

See other rantings and commentry on Paedophilia on Gay Jamaica Watch's Blog

With each story that makes it to the mainstream media like this it paints the an ugly look of the gay community if not by implication then guilt by association given the way the lifestyle has been misrepresented by opponents and by the religious right. Given the recent case also of a paedophilic nature (see post below) where a businessman has been accused of making sexual advances on a 13 year old boy in a popular restaurant's bathroom, the crowds that descended on the day of the trial clearly showed how the public feels about homosexuality in general and by marrying the two issues of adult homosexuality where persons make their own decisions together versus paedophilia that of an adult supposedly imposing sexual will on a minor, they shouted the usual Jamaican parlances of homosexuality and some even openly demanded his death in offering to end his life infront of the police who took him to the court's precinct.

Incidents like this allows us to test the temperature of the public's position on such matters.

So wroth is the public's disdain for homosexuality in general still that the police vehicle that actually took him to the court was mobbed twice, upon entrance and exit to the court and was stoned on the day in question of the incident when the police came to take him away from the restaurant. He has been housed at a facility outside of Mandeville. Here again we find our supposed advocates in the form of an seemingly impotent JFLAG silent and missing in action when there should be some comment and positions presented on this so as to help not only the community but the public grapple with these issues and avoid the unholy marriage which in essence puts us at a greater disadvantage in achieving tolerance and harmony. Where is the vigilance that ought to be present on such public issues that affect the lgbt community?

Peace and tolerance.


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