
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jamaican Inter-phobia, lack of understanding Inter-sexuality

Here is an entry from a Jamaican membership site belittling Caster Semenya and likening her to being a man.

Typical in-sensitivities and intolerance from some of us boi is just so the norm these days and it saddens me, when we don't try to understand the issues. It's author was challenged via a comment he chose to justify the rant by saying he wasn't criticizing her but the issue surrounding her. Yeah right!!!!

Excerpts from the original post read as follows:

Replies to This Discussion

Who really cares she may look like a man but shes got emotions like everybody and a heart. God said he made man in his own image and if thats one of his own image then you critize him also.

Trisha, you mad a good point "If thats one of his own image"....I'm not really criticizing the person but the drama around the person...Since I fallow Track & Field, I see this news often and I notice the world can't decide if Semenya is a man or women, even after blood test and physical test.

I"m poorly contributing my reasoning as to what gender Semenya is since the world is confused..

The author continued .......

"The news is out, Caster Semenya has decided to wait for the results of her gender verification tests before returning to competitive running, saying Tuesday that she will race on June 24 at a meet in Zaragoza, Spain.The 800m world champion said in a statement that she had agreed to the request by Athletics South Africa to wait for the results of the tests, which are expected in June.

What a embarrassment for this person...he/she have being tested since last year and it seems they can't figure out what gender she is, but for real, lets put all fun and joke aside; do we really need to test this person to tell what gender this person is?

Lets point out the manly features:

  • Look at the big Adams apple
  • Look at the male facial structure
  • Look at the arms
  • Look at the hips
  • Look at the structure of the shoulder coming down midway to the belly button
  • Look at the six pack
  • Look at the lips nostril and eyes
  • look at the neck
  • Look at her hair
and for the drum roll....NO breast...naada, not even 1% breast, not even fat man breast...

I declare her Semenya a full grown man...!
WTF.... Looky here....they dress up the person into a woman....but they failed to give it a cleavage or breast....I say let she run with the men."

The post also included a very disparaging photo of Caster Semenya apparently urinating as a man in the bathroom stall.


I tried sending a few posts entries and links to information on inter-sexuality to the gentleman in question, I may not get a response, in fact do not need any but we have a long way to go clearly in providing proper ventilation of issues such as this not just Gay and Lesbian stuff from a Jamaican context given how homophobic we are that we need to flesh out.

To Caster wherever you are in the world ...........


Peace and tolerance.


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