
Friday, October 1, 2010

In The Life Series: Surviving the Past

Another great installment from the In The Life series looking at LGBT stories not carried in general LGBT publications.

South Beach, Fort Lauderdale and Key West, are leading gay tourist destinations. Yet, on a legislative level, Florida remains one of the most homophobic states in the country. This month on IN THE LIFE, we look at Florida's past and present struggles to overcome discrimination, and Liza with a Z speaks to The Lady In Question: Charles Busch.

N THE LIFE travels to Florida to speak with Martin Gill, a foster father whose case is challenging Florida's ban on gay adoptions, meet with openly gay Mayor Craig Lowe, and learn about the struggle toward legislative equality in the Sunshine State.

Episode Update: Martin Gill and Family
In The States: Florida (00:16:40)
On September 22, 2010, The Third District Court of Appeals in Florida upheld a lower court's ruling in favor of Martin Gill, his partner and his two foster sons, agreeing that the state law banning adoption by gay people is unconstitutional.

The opinion states, "Given a total ban on adoption by homosexual persons, one might expect that this reflected a legislative judgment that homosexual persons are, as a group, unfit to be parents. No one in this case has made, or even hinted at, any such argument."

The appellate ruling applies to the Gill family alone and does not overturn Florida's ban on gay adoption. The state has 30 days to decide whether to appeal to the State Supreme Court, where a ruling would constitute a statewide determination on the law.

A Conversation With... LIZA MINNELLI and CHARLES BUSCH (00:08:12)
Gay icon and legendary star of stage and screen, Liza Minnelli, sits down with her friend, the actor and playwright, Charles Busch for a conversation about her career and life as a darling of the gay community.

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