
Monday, November 29, 2010

The bad news continues ........

WARNING: disturbing photo enclosed

As Human Rights Day December 10th approaches and the serious concerns about the obvious sharp rise in homophobic and lesbophobic attacks just boggles the mind here are some recent confirmed, unconfirmed and corroborated stories of such incidents that have been brought to my attention.

The individual in the edited photo above was stabbed several times on Friday November 26th in the Half Way Tree area by a man, he is presently recovering in the hospital and our prayers go out for his life to be spared by God's hand. He was reportedly the victim of profiling a dangerous practice on the rise again where just by assumption ones sexuality is used to justify homophobic abuse. More details to come as they unfold and permissions granted from his close friends who supplied the photo, thanks to them also for sharing this.

see also:

Lesbian killed

A lesbian was murdered earlier this month, a story I held on to before going public as the information is unclear as to the cause of her demise. Speculation suggests she may have been caught in the middle of the dangerous cash for gold underground business gone haywire and not direct lesbophobia, recent crimes statistics have suggested a fall out in the new phenomenon on our society where nearly every public space possible at shopping plazas and street corners some person is yelling openly "Cash for gold"or "Sell your gold"imploring passers-by to sell their gold and gold filled jewelry. It seems to be big business as major jewel store chains as well are advertising for persons to take in old jewelry even if they are plated ones.
The trend has indeed invited the participation of many undesirable types and also many "butch" women have been seen peddling the trade as well as many butch lesbians are good at being one of the boys in our hustler typed society.

Lesbian raped by five men infront of her family

A woman was raped for a reported five hours by men in St. Catherine while her family watched helplessly recently adding to the growing list of corrective rapes happening to our lesbian and bisexual women, it appeared as if her attackers were lurking on the premises before entering the house and holding up the occupants at gunpoint. They are said to have proceeded to rape the woman and rob her.

The incident was reported to the Ewarton police station and it was also said that the woman had to seek counselling following the frightening ordeal.
That incident is said to be the latest in a series of cases occurring in two communities in the parish.

The police say that a group of men are said to be wreaking havoc on the women in the St Catherine communities.

In another case, a 16-year-old girl was also raped over a week ago by a group of men who discovered she was home alone. The police suspect the same group of men are responsible for both acts.

Exhibitionist/street masturbator attacked

A man known to many in certain parts of Kingston was recently rushed by a group of taxi drivers in Kingston as they say they have had enough, the man who by his physical appearance is not of unsound mind as open masturbation is attributed to has been seen especially after rainfall "backing his fist" as several spots in New Kingston and even downtown. He reportedly was acting as a voyeur watching a couple make out by a car in a popular make out spot where he proceeded to relieve himself. He was seen by a group of taxi drivers who normally in the late hours of the morning park near the make out spot monitoring their short wave radios or phones for possible contract carriages. They chased him away but no sooner had he ran he returned to finish his backing session, the men would have none of it and a short chase followed where a machete was thrown after him, it reportedly hit him on his left calf injuring him but he made good his escape. The drivers said they have seen enough of him and that he is a battyman as he has been seen eyeing men urinating in public and masturbating at odd hours of the morning in very inconspicuous spots.

Male gang rape

A reported case of gang rape of a man in a section of Kingston is still causing some unease in the community, the entry was carried on my wordpress GLBTQJA blog and cross-posted here as well and is excerpted as follows:

Battyman Fi Dead” said publicly “Mi really waan f*** yuh” privately …. problems and abuse in the DL world.

So another horrible case of possible male rape or sexual abuse from within the community this time in a way has been heard, a young Jamaican man whose sexuality is of no major concern to us in as far as this post is concerned has become a victim allegedly of male rape by down-low”heaviot” thugs in Kingston recently, in August I am being told. News of the incident is rife among certain circles downtown and other flash points as it quickly spread on the grapevine but some details

are still sketchy I must add. However the main purpose of this piece though is to look again at the issue of clandestine homosexuality or DL as our African American counterparts call it and the possible negative effects that may come out of it such as this allegation of male rape by so called shottas and gangsters.

I doubt this has anything to do with substitutional sex or situational homosexuality (more
so in a prison or physical enclosed setting) but you can be the judge while using what basic information that will be shared, it took a while for me to get enough information to prepare this post so please forgive my possible lack of details but I want us to focus on the main issue, that is frankly “bad man battyman” as some in our society call it.
Given the timing of this revelation in the middle of an international controversy involving a powerful Pastor in the form of Eddie Long and some four or possibly more males who have or may take legal action on alleged years of inappropriate sexual advances the varying discussions are abuzz over the internet and social network media with arguments for and against to punish him or finding the Pastor guilty without even seeing the court case through."

Read the rest HERE

If you are in Jamaica just be careful out there folks, we know it is not easy.

Long time community member passes:

Winner of the recent Oscar Award for Entrepreneur of the Year 2010 Patrick as he is affectionately called made the transition and was promoted to glory on Saturday November 20th at a Kingston hospital after suffering from complications of a long standing illness. He will be missed as his presence and contributions to the community over the years have been outstanding. May his soul rest in peace.

Peace and tolerance.


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