
Monday, February 7, 2011

Backward Culture Advocate? An open Letter to Babsy Grange from a Jamaican lesbian

Contributed by Nic Ming

REPUBLISHED WITH PERMISSION, addtional article excerpt included.

Today after reading an article in the Jamaica Observer something happened to me, I made a decision to write Olivia 'Babsy' Grange, Jamaica's Minister of Youth, Culture & Sport a letter:

Hon Minister Grange hello:

I write having read the Jamaica Observer article about your announcement that “you intend to lead the advocacy for Bob Marley to be declared a National Hero”

My dear Minister I’m sure you’re well aware that this is not a matter for advocacy but a matter for action and after all this time the only proper thing for the government to do is to make an announcement about WHEN the government will get off its butt and act in actualizing that the status is conferred on Bob Marley. What you ought to have done Minister is make an announcement that come 2012 at the latest, when Jamaica becomes 50, the government will ensure that the status is most honorably bestowed.

Minister, your remarks truly expose the culture of backwardness that continue to plague the blind leaders of Jamaica in both the JLP and the PNP. I beseech you and your fellow Ministers, and others perched loftily in the House, to please step into the light, stop these kinds of backward culture behavior because it continues to make too many Jamaicans, myself included, annoyed and angry; and it does Jamaica no good! Serve the country and the people, and serve them well, don’t serve us crap!

I am,
N (Nickey) Ming,
A gay Jamaican who aspires to be
Jamaica’s 1st openly gay politician,
Member of Parliament,
and Minister of Culture, Youth & Sport.

Here is an excerpt of the article:
Grange for Marley becoming national hero

Culture minister Olivia 'Babsy' Grange, has announced that she intends to lead the advocacy for the Reggae singer Bob Marley to be declared a National Hero.

The order of national hero is Jamaica's highest honour.

Minister Grange told a national radio audience and those gathered at the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston today to celebrate the late singer's 66th birthday that Marley was a "great Jamaican" and that she "supported the idea of making him a National Hero."

The Minister said people who believe Marley should be made a National Hero should formally present their case through letters and petitions and that she would advocate on their behalf.

Currently Bob Marley holds Jamaica's Order of Merit, and as such is addressed, The Honourable Robert Nesta Marley, OM.

Read more:

I attached a youtube link to Bob Marley's "Rebel Music" to the letter, which I sent as a message to her FB account. I'm going to copy it now to the Jamaica House FB account. I just cant take being quiet anymore...

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