
Friday, February 11, 2011

Star News' contribution to transphobia ..... MAN WITH BREASTS SHOCKS COPS

Give a proper description Star News !!!!!

Another in the series of sensationalist typed stories from the Star News is here again this is not surprising at this time of the year they always keep it coming but it seems this year they are going harder than before or luckily some of the events are happening at a much rapid pace than usual. They usually taper off around easter then re-emerge there after intermittently there was a case of a particular phone in body cavity story though with different characters that was carried two years apart on the same date. We must keep tabs and let them know we are on to them.


Another Phone Another Body Cavity Story 2 Years Later ….

however The present Phobic infraction .........

Here is a case of an obvious trans-gendered Male to female undergoing treatment and possible surgery but the Star of course doesn't use the actual descriptions that are applicable and obviously didn't bother to check with JFLAG, Jamaica Forum for Lesbians Allsexuals and Gays or elsewhere such as this blogger as they are aware of the work and the continued criticisms of their sensationalist tones to homosexuality in general to acquaint themselves with the proper information to furnish a sensible article, however they were saved by the explanation of the alleged man with breasts of his intentions to undergo surgery overseas but clearly or deliberately conflict men who want to do gender re-assignment surgery as gays wanting to be women in an attempt to merge the stereotype and homo-negativity surrounding same sex relations in Jamaica.

The section about removing "private parts" is crucial either the Star is playing with the strong stereotypical views of homosexuality here or the man himself doesn't understand the procedure fully for gender re-assignment surgery, I lean more to the former.

Fading Impact

One thing is clear the effect that stories like this once had on the Jamaican psyche is fading though ever so slowly some persons literally have stopped reading the paper/tabloid all together as it has indeed lost its prestige of being the evening version of the Gleaner from the early days of its now slowed or defunct competitors the X-News previously known as The Enquirer and the Observer Chat both of whom also have awful reputations for over-hyped and embellished anti gay stories. They too have seen decline in sales and output, the Xnews website has been down for some time as at this post it was still not up upon checking while the hard copy version has not been out for a while.

Here is the article in question, have a read and see if it reflects any of the observations made above. You be the final judge:


Police personnel from Spanish Town, St Cath

erine, were left shocked recently when they found out that a sexy woman with bountiful breasts they arrested was in fact a man who is going through a sex change.

Reports reaching THE WEEKEND STAR are that about 3 a.m. on Wednesday a police party spotted a silver Honda Civic motor car driving carelessly.

The lawmen are said to have stopped the vehicle and asked the driver for her licence. She was not able to produce it or any other identification card and was taken to the police station.

It was while she was at the station and plans were being made to transfer her to the Central Village Police Station that it was discovered that she was really a man who was going through a sex change.

The accused reportedly told the cops that he went to the United States where he did hormone treatment to change his body.

"This is how I want to go to court; this is who I am and it's only in Jamaica that it is a problem," the man supposedly told the cops.

He further stated: "I just want to go home and get some needed rest; this is a drag."

The police told THE WEEKEND STAR that the man said that he is scheduled to return to the United States to remove his private parts as his desire to be a woman is overwhelming.

He also reportedly told the cops that he does private parties abroad and travels extensively. "She really look hot with nice clothes and false eyelash and want to teach persons how to dress," a policeman told THE WEEKEND STAR.

The accused man was charged with various traffic violations and granted bail to appear in court later this month.

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