
Friday, April 1, 2011

In The Life: Backlash or Evolution?

Another instalment from In The Life media as we continue to watch happenings up north.

2011 is poised to be a pivotal year in the movement toward marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples, with both sides of the debate encouraged the pendulum will swing their way. IN THE LIFE travels to Iowa where social conservatives use unprecedented tactics to repeal equal marriage rights in a campaign with national implications. Then, as progress and conservative backlash enflame the marriage controversy at the State and Federal levels, we take a step back to look at a country divided.

The Importance of Being Iowa (00:14:57)

Iowa poses an important question to the rest of the country: Should voters be allowed to decide whether gay and lesbian couples have the right to marry?

"We felt the case was going to be successful because people here realize that those are my neighbors or those are my friends, and they're good people."
-Jen BarbouRoske

Backlash or Evolution? (00:09:46)

As victories and defeats ebb and flow state by state, public support for marriage equality is edging upward.

"The gay community has a good opportunity, better than ever, to pass gay marriage in New York this year. I would vote against it, but realistically, it's a good possibility."
- State Senator Rubin Diaz (D-New York)

Creating a Safer World
February 2011 (00:06:00)

"I was literally a punching bag at school and at home. I decided that I couldn't take it anymore." -- Evan Bornacelli

The YES Institute works to prevent suicide and ensure the healthy development of all youth through powerful communication and education on gender and orientation.

CLICK HERE to see "You are Not Alone" our February broadcast featuring a segment on Bullycides, the national health crisis of young people taking their own lives as the result of bullying.

"You should never be ashamed to be in love with somebody."

In The Life Media staff share their personal stories of hope for young queer viewers.

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