
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Keep Those Beliefs To Yourself ... a response to president of the Jamaica Association of Guidance Counsellors in Education (Gleaner letter)

In response to the recent trope in the Jamaica Gleaner on Lesbianism in schools and this fear planted by someone who ought to know better as a Guidance Counselor but unfortunately has confused morality and the fear that same gender loving people somehow are out to change everyone to the same orientation a response come from a female who seems not a part of the community but believes she should not impose her Christian beliefs on others.

See the original Gleaner article as reposted here just two posts below or go HERE

A sort of "Keep it to yuself mentality in reverse, in a post on sister blog Gay Jamaica Watch and on here as well in two parts, Part 1 and Part 2 where it looked at how the dancehall and reggae industries over the years has reinforced this belief we must keep our "nastiness" to ourselves thus encouraging or legitimizing discrimination and homophobia.

The Letter writer wrote:


Grace Kelly, president of the Jamaica Association of Guidance Counsellors in Education, must have acquired her PhD by doing vast amounts of research from undergrad upward, but now she posits arguments without the supporting statistics.

She should not make baseless claims about lesbianism, as she did inThe Gleaner on Wednesday, May 25. Is she serious? Where does she get her information from about lesbianism being 'unhealthy'? Why is lesbianism a 'concern' for educators? Why is it being equated to violence or drug use?

On the contrary, lesbians have the lowest incidence of STIs/HIV of all the sexual orientations, so please tell me what is 'unhealthy' about that.

I agree that there needs to be counselling around sex on a whole for all adolescents, as abstinence is the best way to go at their age. But she shouldl do not impose her personal beliefs on individuals.

"I am appealing to the young people that their bodies are temples of God, and it wasn't designed for homosexuality," she argued.

If you are a true Christian, you would know that Jesus is the final judge and jury. By the way, not everyone believes in your God, and that is reality. What basis are you going to argue from then?

I am, etc.,


Tavern, St Andrew


But the misconception of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual people being predators problem is a major obstacle for the discussion to continue.....

when members of the public see images such as this from cartoonist Lasmay and the whole awful events from the cases in the Catholic church how can we begin to break this and separate paedophilia, ephebophilia from adult same gender loving sexual relations issues? apart from continued information sharing but that seems too slow in penetrating this madness coming from persons who ought to know better.

Let's keep the conversations going and respond to things like that rubbish coming from the good Guidance Counselors' president.

Also See: No Reported cases of Paedophilia say local Catholic Diocese Representative

Taken from sister blog Gay Jamaica Watch March 2010

Newstalk Interview on Paedophilia and Issues 01.04.10 by glbtqja

Peace and tolerance


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