
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Anti gay Reverend on: Jamaica Must Cherish Moral Traditions ......

The following letter appeared in today's Gleaner have a read and my subsequent response and see what you make of it, I hope the Gleaner's website admin(s) approve my comment to be published

Jamaica Gleaner Company

I have been saddened by so many articles lately featuring the degradation of Jamaican society. A few weeks ago, there was an article about lesbian gangs in the schools bothering young girls.

I read about that 11-year-old boy who just a few days ago tragically hanged himself, and I also read about the escalation of violence in the public schools.

Coming from the States, I have watched the systematic destruction of American society over the last 20 years. The social scientists, the economic pundits, and the secular humanists all have tried to 'fix' American society, and it has done nothing but get worse.

homosexuality widespread

Rampant homosexuality fills American streets, amorality runs wild, rudeness is accepted out of fear, and young people have lost all respect for the older generations.

We must never forget that evil proliferates only when good men and women don't speak up.

If this spiral is not stopped soon, Jamaica, too, will join the ranks of other modern societies where traditional, sound and healthy morals and ethics have been abandoned and replaced by a disastrous moral anarchy that, historically, has resulted in the downfall of many great civilisations.


Kingston 8
My short response was:

"rampant homosexuality, where is it in Jamaica? don't confuse isolated cases of same sex paedophilia with youth initiation and or experimentation with same gender loving activities that the newspapers have blown out of proportion for years on end, FACT most same sex paedophiles are heterosexual

one cannot force someone to become gay or better yet engage in same sex activity if they didn't agree or wanted to in the first place, everyone's sexual orientation is different and one can choose to express or act upon it as seen fit to them, paedophilia despite which gender however is a disorder that requires treatment and most consenting same gender loving adults are NOT interested in children or teens

don't let what some misguided guidance counselors out out of their own fear of the unknown using scare tactics crying wolf when it is only a sheep

and what about men of the cloth who are paedophiles too? how convenient that in your letter you forgot to include them in your castigation or is it because you do not want to label your fellow ministers as such since y'all holy and righteous

also the other side of the coin must be looked at there is something called teleiophilia which is where teens or pubescent persons are erotically attracted to adults, one wonders if alot of that is not right here in Jamaica we often hear of school girls who openly say that want a "big man" to go with as boys in their age group "caan do di wuk"

finally isn't your job and primary focus to win souls for the kingdom (whoever and whatever that soul maybe) and not judge?"

In an old post entitled "What is the Church Really about?" I took a simple look at what I thought then in 2009 the issues wrong with how the church in general is quick to lambaste homosexuality as if it is a bigger "sin" than anything else and "heterosexual typed sins" were more permissible such as a church sister getting pregnant before wedlock and no retribution or loud condemnation but if someone is found to be gay they are read out of the congregation and damned forever.

Here is an excerpt:

"I thought the church was about winning souls for Christ no matter who that soul is, including gays and lesbians. Instead some of the "intellectuals" within the church exercise their bigoted thoughts openly setting all these preconditions before the "sinner" can even see the church door.

What about come as you are and god loves you?

Most churches dismiss persons once they are found to be gay or lesbian with little or any care, isn't that defeating the purpose of what Christ decreed we as saved persons should do....."go ye into the world and preach the gospel......" not condemn people because they don't fit your Utopian view of the world.

Sad that this is what we have become, one wonders if the church by it's actions of some of who say they are saved are giving more power to the enemy notable atheists and the anti Christ supporters when we behave with some harsh discrimination, during the conversation by the way the young man said that the pastor some Sundays ago of a church he attended said he wanted no offerings from gays. So we can now decide who want offerings from, wow.

Makes me wonder if the church and biblical doctrine is used by some to forward homophobic as well as other discriminatory views maybe that explains the attrition from it's halls and corridors as most young people aren't even interested in going to church these days.

As for using the bible as a beating stick over the heads of "sinners" is just plain wrong to me. Famous among the quotes is Leviticus 20: 13"

Read the rest HERE

Peace and tolerance


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