
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Remember this?

The Wrath of a Bishop

Administrative Bishop for the New Testament
Church of God in Jamaica and The Cayman Islands,
Wellesley A. Blair

In a Jamaica Gleaner article published February 28, 2007, Administrative Bishop for the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica and The Cayman Islands, Wellesley A. Blair, said he is totally against legalizing homosexuality.

And he didn’t stop there. He’s also against abortion, and lesbianism, and he intends to fight against the acts with every “fiber of his being.”

"The amount of legislation that is being asked for in the area of abortion, in the area of homosexuality and to legalize anal sex. I want to state categorically and firmly, with every fibre of my being, that I am totally, scripturally against it," declared Bishop Blair.

Blair believes that gays and lesbians only have one of two rights.

"A homosexual only has one of two rights. It is either he changes his life or accepts the just punishment of God, as He did in Sodom and Gomorra," he said.

Bishop Blair also made it clear that God did not make any homosexuals or “create any Sodomites,” as they (Sodomites) made themselves that way, at least according to his interpretation of the Book of Romans chapter one.

He added that those who are talking about the setting up of a gay church in Jamaica, must remember that there are a few God-fearing, Holy Ghost, holiness preachers who are still around and who are very adamant that they will do everything legally and spiritually in their power to bar that.

What he really was saying is that if you set up a church that accepts gays and lesbians, watch your back.

Bishop Blair said that “Sodomites who are caught should be beaten. I believe that when the court orders lashing, some of those Sodomites who are caught and some of the criminals, should be brought in the square of Half-Way Tree and be lashed and send them home.”

Blair said he will be monitoring what goes on inside Gordon House, Jamaica’s Legislature, to see who would dare to vote for the passing of gay-friendly legislation. He said he will try to influence the Christian community to target politicians in the next election.

"If the legislation to legalize sodomy and lesbianism passes in Jamaica and it is signed into law, and God does not do something about it, God would have to wake up Sodom and Gomorra and beg them pardon," said Blair.

Last week, three gay men were beaten in the streets of Jamaica by a mob of 2,000 for being gay. Last year two lesbians were found murdered in an apparent hate crime. In recent years, gay hate crimes in Jamaica have skyrocketed to all time high numbers proving that Jamaica could quite possibly be the most homophobic place on Earth.

Pity that a church man finds this necessary to say about persons of whom his main task as a religious leader is to win souls for the Kingdom, whatever the condition and whomever the soul maybe, it is NOT his job to be judging and issuing a kind of fatwa as how same gender loving persons should be treated. This one was published before the life of this blog so I thought I'd share it and bring us up to speed with all the damning things said of us.

Please be safe out there and vigilant as well.

Peace and tolerance


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