
Monday, July 11, 2011

All urged to aid in ridding commercial sexual exploitation of children

Minister of Health, Rudyard Spencer, has appealed for a collaborative effort from a wider cross section of stakeholders to rid the society of the commercial sexual exploitation of its children.

The minister made the appeal in a brief speech delivered by the director of the National STI/HIV Programme, Dr Kevin Harvey, at the opening of the Inter-American Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Illegal Trafficking and Trade Children and Adolescents second regional meeting at the Jamaica Conference Centre last Wednesday.
Spencer said that the sexual exploitation of Jamaica's children, particularly for commercial purposes, was a challenge requiring immediate attention and an "united effort" to solve.

"Any sexual abuse or exploitation of that nature is abhorrent, and should never be condoned in any way, whether it is by turning a blind eye to the situation, or by protecting the perpetrator in any way," the minister said.

He observed that the situation worsens when children are involved, as they are generally abused by the very adults who are responsible for their care.

The health minister said while the Government must take the lead in promoting and protecting children's rights and well-being, the administration could not do it alone. He said that the help and cooperation of families, communities, non-governmental organisations, faith-based organisations and the private sector were needed.

"It is essential that we all assume a part of the responsibility if we hope to be successful in tackling this problem," he said, adding that the Government will continue to improve the protection offered to children through multi-agency collaboration and increased dialogue.

Spencer also cited the need to strengthen countries' policies, programmes and the legislative framework to improve the welfare of children, and ensure that their rights are observed and their needs met.

Minister of Sports, Youth and Culture Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange greets 16-year-old Kadeem Simpson, Jamaica’s child representative for the Inter American Children’s Institute, during the regional meeting on protecting children of the Caribbean from commercial sexual exploitations at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston

The two-day meeting, being held under the theme 'Protecting Children of the Caribbean from Commercial Sexual Exploitation', is jointly staged by the Child Development Agency and the Planning Institute of Jamaica, in association with the Inter-American Children's Institute which coordinates the Inter-American Programme.

I decided to post this as I am concerned on many fronts:

The belief that male homosexuals are paedophiles and by extension we are about to homosexualize everyone else is disturbing to me

There is not enough care nationally about missing children and orphans

There is not enough concern from the LGBT community on these and related issues

To show that we too also care in genuine terms about the welfare of children

The anger that is directed at supposed stereotypes about us as predators should also be directed at child molestors, real paedophiles and ephebophiles who are in open view of our eyes yet we do nothing (coaster bus sex and no panty days for teen girls)

Those are some of my concerns, see the tab directly below this post on paedophilia and more or go HERE and scroll to see the thirty plus related entries.

Interesting there is no outrage for this kind of news but swift condemnation for perceived and made up sensationalist views about male homosexuality.

Peace and tolerance


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