
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

MSM Homeless Issues brought back to attention again

So the issue of homelessness, displaced, aimless, unemployed or unemployable Men Who Have Sex With Men has been brought back to the front burner via a Star News article yesterday August 2, 2011 where a set of guys in the New Kingston area came into some trouble with the police which is not the first time as carried here and on my other blogs about the lack of interest in really getting to the root and starting to solve this issue. Sadly the lack of care also from the MSM community itself who see themselves as well behaved and by extension better off is not encouraging either.

Have a read of the article in question from the Star News:

Party celebrations among a group of gay men who were seen stripping and throwing water at each other along Knutsford Boulevard in New Kingston was brought to a premature end by the police yesterday morning.

"You should a see dem, some inna bottom rider shorts and all a wear brassiere," an alleged eyewitness told THE STAR.

Information reaching THE STAR is that the men who were attired in close fitting clothes were jeered by motorists who drove by where they were standing but the men stood their ground and continued their antics.

THE STAR understands that the men, numbering about five, who were later identified to be homosexuals fled at the sight of the police who arrived at the location about 10 a.m.

Two men who were a part of the group were later apprehended by the police after they became involved in a brawl.

An 18-year-old man and his 27-year-old lover became involved in a dispute after the teenager accused the man of rendering his services and not paying him.


They were warned by a police patrol team that arrived on the scene.

The men, both of Portmore addresses, held hands and walked away in good spirits.

Interestingly, THE STAR further understands that after the men avoided intial prosecution by the police, they got themselves into trouble again after they assaulted a man.

"Dem see a man a pass and a psst after him and a tell him seh dem like him," a person who claimed to have witnessed the incident told THE STAR.

It is also understood that the male victim kept his composure and ignored the taunts from the men but became infuriated after one of the men slapped him on his bottom.

The man then reportedly tried to hit the man who touched him on his buttocks but had to make a hasty retreat towards the New Kingston Police Post after the men threatened to beat him.

The men later ran in separate directions after the police tried to apprehend them.

The St Andrew Central police confirmed the incident.


Two cents continued:

While some members of the community lambaste the Star for the alleged eye witness being present others loathe the so called sketel/raucous behaviour of the men some of whom are openly cross dressed and are not afraid to "carry on" as it were in public, many persons feel that the phenomenon in not only New Kingston is setting a bad precedence for the rest of the community as if somehow all we are are just worthless males who in essence sell our bottoms or are involved in commercial sex. Sadly as hinted to above in the introduction no sustained semi or fully residential typed interventions are in the offering now or if any soon and I fear that even if they were to be such programs put in place it would take some time for the men to come around as their "freedom" on the streets though dangerous as it can possibly get come with no rules or guidelines from others except their own. There are some who are still concerned about the lack of empowering activities to help them to help themselves and not a bootcamp scenario as was attempted when the old temporary shelter was in operation, which was closed to accommodate its conversion to an office for JFLAG. There is limited access for some of the brothers to shower and have a meal or take away items but it is not nearly enough even in the face of a campaign to get Jamaicans to be tolerant and accept gay children.

Other comments for Jamaicans ring:

"Even though the star tend to over exaggerate their stories at times esp the gay ones - if this story near go so. then we can clearly see that sometimes we ourselves as gay draw attention and harm on ourselves. its bad enough that Jamaica is a homophobic society but at least we can curve our behaviours/actions so ppl can slowly accept us for who we are. when we portrait these types of behaviour in public, do we think we are doing ourselves more good than harm? Then we get up everyday and say how Jamaica is violent against homos etc.. but really and truly, sometime things that happen can be avoided. we self inflict wounds on ourselves..."

"There are less than perfect gays in any society in any country, but it's bullshit to think that they 'represent' the community by their actions. An individual is just that, an individual...they represent THEMSELVES in words, thoughts, actions and attire. Anyone who believes that all gays act a certain because of the actions of a few is dumb as hell..."

"Some of us need to come to Jamaica and see what the gay society has become .It is a microcosm of the nastiness that prevail in the society today ....most of us are decent and ambitious. but like every deviant conduct the few will make it bad for the society in question instead of blaming tabloids and going around the the issue we need to recognize there is a problem and find strategy to deal with it ....we need to face reality . Sometimes I am embarrassed to be in new Kingston at nite and see their behavior and if they know that you are gay and you pass them by without stopping when they call ...they then try to "bring you down" and this loudness and dancing and skinning out on the street is not necessary ...and yes they do wear clothes that could be termed as women attire ...."

"There is blame on both sides, but some of us have a tendency to take aim at the community more than it deserves.

The Star's lack of value as a journalistic publication is easy to prove: when have they *ever* published any story involving gays that paints us in a positive light? It's always, always, always jealous lovers stabbing each other, or schoolboys having sex in the back of a taxi, or shrieking queens disturbing the peace in broad daylight.

They know full well that playing to the gallery sells papers."

So debate continues in various quarters, let us see where it takes us.

Also see older happenings on the subject of homelessness:

Peace and tolerance


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