
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ragashanti suggests JFLAG for job seeking "Butch" lesbian

Controversial and sometimes lesbophobic media personality, Anthropologist Dr. Kingsley "Ragashanti" Stewart suggested to a supposed lesbian letter writer to his weekly Star News and website column in seeking a job while declaring her orientation and identity under same letter.
Since his move from mainstream radio that of NEWSTALK FM and Nationwide radio under questionable circumstances some say and due to pressure from quarters in the media landscape he has found a home with his growing popular online show where previous restrictions as to content cannot be applied. His own sexuality has been questioned by his listenership as his semi effeminate style and twists of the colloquial , his appearances on controversial roots play actor Keith "Shebada" Ramsey's parties has many walking with a magnifying glass looking for the slightest hints in our prying eyes society as profiling is how many determine questions to ones orientation. His steamy and racy, suggestive commentary is a hit with gay and straights alike and he has accommodated some LGBT persons on his shows a few times with the outcomes sometimes not as balanced as one would have hoped but opinions vary within the LGBT body politic.

Whether the J will be able to help get a job for this letter writer and several other same gender loving seekers well that's another matter as many expectations we have are not forthcoming in reality from them.

Have a read below of the piece:

with Ragashanti

Tambareen Fambily an Mix Up nation bless up unu self to warra warra! Lol! An big up all listeners pon Tambareen Radio ova Right ya now mi naa hitch, a straight to di letta dem mi say:

Butch and Looking a Job

Raga, why can't I get a job and I'm qualified? I'm a lesbian, a butch. If u don't know who that is, it's a woman one dat people call a 'man-royal'. I've being looking a job for ova 2 yrs now and it proves to be unsuccessful. I even went as far as to do some interviews and they all wanted a full image ofma-self. I gave them the pictures. One of my interviewers called me one day, however, to say that the post for the job I was seeking was not vacant anymore. About a week after, my gut feelings told me to give the organisation a call to find out if the post was really filled, only to find out that the post was still open. But I still have a positive mind and I know dat one day I'll find a good job. And I'm not gonna change who I am to please people. People sit and judge us every day and then they say that Jamaica is a good place. I'm not telling you to accept homosexuals, but jus treat dem with equality and respect as if they weren't homosexuals. Why can't I get a job?

Your email requires a response on several levels:

First, be careful that you do not believe that the TOTAL reason for you not getting a job is SOLELY due to you being a gay woman who has a culturally defined look of a man ('man-royal'). Unemployment in Jamaica is pretty high. Many people cannot get jobs, not just gay people. Jamaica is filled with qualified university graduates who are unemployed. Unemployment abounds in the areas of menial jobs to skilled and highly specialised professions.

I know of unemployed helpers and I know of unemployed doctors. It rough pon a whole heap a people out deh. So be careful that you don't go thinking it's just a gay discrimination issue. Don't believe that each time you don't get a job is due only to you being gay, because if you do so, then you will not be motivated to improve the other areas that will increase your chances of getting a job.

Second: while it is the case that unemployment affects many, it is TRUE that homosexual women and men do suffer discrimination in the workplace based on their sexuality. To put it bluntly, most Jamaicans do NOT like gay people, and this fact negatively influences the hiring process for employment. Therefore, given this reality, are there things you could do differently that will increase your chances of securing employment? Can you make changes in your career search that will not make you feel like you are changing to please people who do not like you because you're gay?

Remember, most people seeking or keeping a job have to adjust to certain pressures, whether or not they are gay. In order to excel in job interviews or to keep their jobs, they have to dress appropriately, speak in a particular manner, present themselves professionally, etc. So please make sure you're making the critical behavioral and presentational adjustments that are required of ALL job applicants.

Third: while some jobs require behavioral adjustment and presentation that might run contrary to who you are as a gay, butch woman, there are other jobs that are more accepting of you just as you are. For example, there are some community-based, social-work jobs that are LESS preoccupied with the sexuality and presentation of applicants and employees. However, it will be up to you to decide if you would like to do those types of jobs.

My advice would be for you to contact the Jamaica Forum of Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (JFLAG) and explain your situation to them. Even if they are not able to immediately guarantee you employment, they should be able to competently advise you on the best steps forward.

In the meantime, NEVER GIVE UP!! Bless up.

Reach Ragashanti at or PO Box 5866, Liguanea PO, Kingston 6.

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