
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Another anti gay Facebook Group ...... Bun Batty Man Movements

As more anti gay groups continue to crop up on popular social networking site Facebook and are reported and taken down others spring up. Only some two days ago on my sister blog I carried a now defunct group named Bun Batty Man, Str8 Pumz Mi seh .... after much vigilance it was removed and now the above mentioned group has been found Bun Batty Man Movements with its description verbatim saying "Leviticus 20:13 - If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of the have commited an abomniation. They shall surely be put to DEATH. Their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 18:22 - You shall NOT lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination. . . Those two verses justifies what this page is doing." 



This is expected as more and more Jamaicans log on to Facebook and the proliferation of mobile devices and  services the hate will just have another medium to or outlet to release itself however punitive measures can be taken also there is a twist to this a well. literally as a popular group that is a T-shirt company named Twystyd has opened its doors to gays and allows free expression, this has not gone down well with some older members who profess to be heterosexual and there have been heated threads on their group wall. A falling out also in major secret group as well which has many gay Jamaicans on there has also been blamed for this sudden growth on anti gay groups as the previous secret group whose admins have banned rowdy and wayward members have seen hit backs including reporting of the very page and suggestive pics with a view to having Facebook closing the group. The now defunct anti gay group had past members posing as straights in the new group and posting copied threads of exchanges with supposed hookups or hits in the original secret gay group. Here is a snapshot of the now defunct anti gay group


Now please report the new group as shown on the very top in the post. 

Be Vigilant Be Safe

UPDATE October 12, 2011 - The Group has been removed

Peace and tolerance


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