
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cross dressing drama again in St. Catherine ....

The Star news has been becoming very circumspect these days in its publications regarding related matters towards LGBT issues cheif among them transvestitism or cross dressing. It was only on October 20 that they published this: COPS RESCUE MAN IN WIG, HEELS - Tricked motorists into thinking he was a woman, by the usual writer of such stories Rasbert Turner. Cross dressing in public has been growing since the seventies from memory and has certainly exploded since some of the persons who wear female attire are anatomically male but transgender in a pre-operative sense and express themselves through passing as females in public, with some doing so with the greatest of ease. Another case of effeomophobia? fear of the feminine in men.
It was also May of this year that a set of cross dressers were chased and beaten in some instances in New Kingston:

Also See: Drag queens double jeopardy and Men rushed and beaten in New Kingston

 Here is the Star news piece:

 Rasbert Turner, STAR Writer

 A man dressed in wig and spike heels was chased by angry men who had stopped to assist him after his car broke down in Lennonville, St Catherine, on Monday. The cross-dresser had to be rescued by the Old Harbour police after the men who were fooled into thinking he was a sexy damsel in distress discovered the truth behind the heels and wigs. THE STAR was informed that the male was in Lennonville about two miles from Old Harbour about 11:30 p.m., when the incident happened. He was said to have been driving a Lexus SUV which got a flat tyre along the roadway. The man reportedly stopped passersby in an effort to get help. It was said that there was some sexual chemistry between the passersby and the cross-dresser. However, the police source said; "After a keen observation it was revealed that the browning was indeed a man. The 'good samaritans' became angry and decided to give him a sound beating."

 The man who showed he was quite quick on his feet, left his attackers in his dust and fled to the Old Harbour Police Station. "Yes, he threw away the wig and spike heel he was wearing and ran more than a mile to the station. The persons were shouting to send out di bwoy, mek wi deal wid him," a policeman confirmed when contacted by THE STAR. The police further said that when the man was asked to change his clothes at the station they were in for a bigger surprise. "It was really a shock when he was changing to see him wearing panties and brassiere," the police source said.

It was only in July 2010 there was another incident with a cross dresser who picked up a gentleman and all hell nearly broke loose as carried on my sister blog GLBTQJA Wordpress

Cross dressing drama in Portmore

Another tale of male crossdressing activities causing trouble this time in the ever increasing and vibrant commercial sex trade in the vicinity of the hip strip on Port Henderson Road. Commercial sex workers and small motels dot the landscape and not to be outdone are bars, clubs interspersed with churches, what a mix?
Reports suggests that on Saturday July 10 around 2am in the morning a man who was coming from an event on the strip was on his way home according to him. He reportedly saw a motorvehicle parked on the strip with a female allegedly in the passenger side of the car, the man knowing that in that vicinity the commercial sex is done he approached the “woman” to conduct business.
They negotiated the deal for sexual favours in exchange for an agreed price, he was seen entering the vehicle by eyewitnesses where the apparent agreed sexual favours were performed by the CSW on the man in the form of oral sex. It was after the act was completed and he requested additional services that he discovered she was in fact a “he” as the services he requested require penetrative sex which the cross dresser could not fulfill.
An argument ensued where upon hearing the crossdressers voice it was clear she was a man in drag, by which time stones were hurled into the vehicle damaging it. The drag queen also defended herself by hurling stones as well and chasing him away. The man subsequently tried reporting the matter to the cops but was himself held and maybe charged for malicious destruction of property resulting from the incident.
According to sources he may also be charged for gross indecency for performing lewd acts in a public place. The cross dresser had decided to pursue the matter but “she” too may also be charged for performing said acts as well. She may not go through after all with the charges for safety reasons given the sensitivity of the situation and Jamaica’s bitterness towards anything remotely close to male homosexuality which may result in a public trial on the matter.
The police officers who got wind of the incident were allegedly in stitches when they got the complete details of what actually occured.
As news spread of the happening in that side of Portmore many persons are once again calling for the disbanding of the hip strip all together and arresting all prostitutes and those who harbour them. The debate has resumed about the morals and attitudes in Portmore with the mayor and parish council coming under pressure from civic groups and neighborhood associations demanding the changes suggested by a previous mayor to change the look of the hip strip. Many persons feel it has become an eyesore for the entire Portmore.
This is the third such incident overall in less than a year involving alleged male cross dressers involved in commercial sex the most infamous of them was “Barbie” in Clarendon which was seen on television after she was held at a police station before making bail. This demands some word from Jamaica Forum for Lesbians Allsexuals and Gays, JFLAG.
Something needs to be done regarding these persons getting involved in risky behaviour to earn an income. Then again will they engage such a population seeing they seemed pre-occupied with tackling CARICOM and other programmatic issues while ignoring or overlooking on the ground interventions that require urgent attention also given their mandate as offering social support services?
The lower groups of LGBT people are just not getting the attention.
Let’s continue to watch this and other events.

And that infamous Barbie case as mentioned in the older post excerpted above was one of those that made the issue fully mainstream in 2009 who by the way can present as both male and female aesthetically very well, she passes easily as both. In fact she is the envy of many a drag personality locally because of that "gift"

Read more on that XNews Story on Gay Jamaica Watch

Disturbed by Xnews Story on Drag Queen and Gay Cop

Also see: Chu Chu on cross dressing …………….

Peace and tolerance


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