
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lesbians fondle 1st formers at school - Older students carry out attack in bathroom says The Star

Today's Star News disturbing headline blared this awful headline again putting the same gender loving community into disrepute as predators at the school level with very little to go on to substantiate the charges. A general feeling or assumption has been made with the aid as well from this tabloid that same gender loving persons be they teens or adults supposedly have some predatory streak and are hell bent on changing or infecting supposed nongay folk or innocent persons.

Have a read of the short piece which in my mind should not have been the lead story but who am I, I am not the star's editor?

A group of first formers were alleged to have been sexually assaulted recently by three lesbian students at a prominent school in St Catherine, THE STAR has learnt.

The incident which took place last Thursday has left several parents furious.

One parent who was reluctant to speak on the matter said that she is considering transferring her child to another institution.
Information reaching THE STAR from other sources is that three lesbian students ganged and fondled about seven grade-seven students in the school bathroom.

THE STAR understands that the officials at the school became aware of the incident after the girls who were being assaulted raised an alarm from the bathroom.

School officials are said to have met with some of the parents on Friday and are tight-lipped about the matter.

When THE STAR made contact with the school principal yesterday, despite the facts being presented to him, he denied the allegations.

However, a reliable source told THE STAR that the accused girls are going to face disciplinary action.


My Two cents continued:

But as usual there are hardly follow up entries to have the public arrive as to the proper facts in cases such as this and no other questions are posed by the author(s) of such trope in most cases. Questions such as:

Are these females in an experimental stage of their sexual development, thus practicing same sex activity?

Were the first formers actually sexually assaulted and were they taken to a doctor for an examination or the police?

What does the Star News mean by sexually assaulted in this case as the perpetrator is of the same gender, was it fondling only that took place?

Why didn't the Star ask the school's principal to follow up on the allegations?

Where is or are the guidance counselor(s) in all this?

How do we know the alleged perpetrators are lesbians?

Are they being stereotyped because they may present a particular masculine or butch aesthetic?

Are the perpetrators mirroring a practice we know that occurs in many schools islandwide and on robot minibuses by boys and bus crews on school girls? (such as no panty days?)

Let us not forget that while we also have to be mindful or how we operate as same gender loving people as well the details in each case has to be brought to the fore and properly ventilated or in other words take each case on its own merit. It was earlier this year that the Observer published an article by Janice Budd claiming lesbian gangs were terrorizing schools  in May of this year there was some panic created as well by the Jamaica Association of Guidance Counselors in Education (JAGE) when its President Dr. Grace Kelly created a stir by making several comments on the issue, among other things a Gleaner story byNadisha Hunter summed it up - "There is a challenge in the schools and the guidance association is aware of it," she said."What we continue to do is to provide counselling and support for these children, and to ensure that we provide them access to proper information, and through the guidance and counselling sessions, the students are given an opportunity to understand and appreciate their sexuality," Dr Kelly added.

She noted that while it has not reached the stage where any matter had to be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist, she was aware that cases have been referred to other persons in the education setting because of the nature.
no supporting data

The JAGE boss, however, said she was unable to say if this is widespread in the schools, as she had no data on the issue.

Dr Kelly argued that if there is need for a joint effort to do seminars and workshops on a larger scale to address the matter, the association would take the necessary steps to have it done.

She urged young persons to stop the activity as it is an unhealthy practice.
"I am appealing to the young people that their bodies are temples of God, and it wasn't designed for homosexuality," she argued.

Also it was in June of 2010 that a local sex therapist also hinted that so called lesbianism was on the rise and that girls preferred other girls in co-ed schools instead of boys.

See what you make of this readers

Peace and tolerance


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