
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love 101FM's Family Time on Homosexuality

Love 101 FM carried another edition of Family Time series this week they continued on the subject of homosexuality following up on last weeks edition with none other than Dr. Wayne West on the homosexual agenda. This week they took a more Christian view on it almost conflicting as also a psychological approach was used as the guest is both a pastor and psychologist and the two seems to have almost clashed as the discourse outlined below will bring to bear but of course as Love 101 is a religious station the Leviticusal line has to be carried with a so called sympathetic approach to gays with a view for change, obviously suggesting reparative therapy. The causality issue was prominent as well where early initiation, loss of bonding from same sexed parent (old belief that is still used by the religious opposition) and effeminate men with a supposed hormonal imbalance who are rejected by society but welcomed by gays hence going into same sex activity. In other words all these persons are forced into gaydom, no mention is made of the person who realises very early that they are same sex attracted which leads me to believe the agenda here was mainly reparative therapy. The guest is also linked to the Back to the Bible which is linked to Focus on the Family and we all know (Dr.) James Dobson though untrained in psychology has deemed homosexuality an abnormality and curable. 

Dr. Barry Davidson was the guest in this discussion, he is a family Psychologist, serves as Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Family Life Ministries. He holds Master Degrees in Theology and Psychology as well as a Doctorate in Family Psychology, majoring in Marriage and Family Therapy, from The Fuller Graduate School of Psychology, Pasadena, California.
Since 1981, Dr. Davidson has been counseling with couples, adults, adolescents, and families, and assisting them in resolving personal and relational problems. In May of 1989 and 1990 respectively, he received the Jeff Balswick Memorial Award, and the Faculty Award for academic performance in Marriage and Family Therapy at Fuller Graduate School Awards Convocation, culminating his work with Project Family Outreach, an agency for ethnic minorities living with multiple or severe social, emotional, and spiritual problems in Pasadena, California.
His contributions to academia have been numerous, as a visiting lecturer at Azuza Pacific College in California, lecturer at the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology and a part-time lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Social Work at the University of the West Indies, Mona.

Dr. Davidson, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Family Life Ministries, has served this Organization since 1983 in the capacities of Executive Director, Director of Counselling, and Chairman. He is a consultant to the Executive Team of the Jamaica Psychological Society and sits on the Board of the 'Back to the Bible Broadcast'. He authored the well-known pre-marital counselling manual Before They Say "I Do", and co-authored "Healthy Families A Caribbean Perspective," with Ms. Maureen Watson.

We will use the following keys for this post - DB - Dr. Barry Davidson and the Host as The Host.

The Hosts: Who is a homosexual?

DB: Broadly defined homosexuality is an erotic attraction to persons of one owns sex although homosexuality includes sexual thoughts feelings fantasies and overt sexual acts with same sex partners, the term usually is not applied to pre-adolescents, to individuals usually young people whose curiosity leads to brief experimentation of erotic involvement with persons of the same sex or to people in prisons or to isolated same sex environments who temporarily engage in homosexual behaviour because opposite sex partners are not available, it is important I believe to distinguish between homosexual behaviour that is engaging in at least periodically in sexually stimulating actions with another person of the same sex and homosexual orientation which are feelings, sexual attraction towards members of the same sex many people with a homosexual orientation never let others know of this same sex preference and never engage in homosexual behaviour with other human beings sometimes we don't make the distinction and as a result create difficulty for people.
So when we talk about homosexuals we need to realise that what we are saying is that these are people who engage in sexual activities and sexual behaviour with those of the same sex. Man with man woman with woman

The Hosts: So you mean it's intentional not necessarily something you fell into at one time or you were testing out at some point?

DB: It's not something you experiment with it's something you have grown to like and continue to do

The Hosts: Can you describe a homosexuality type(s)?

DB: There is no such thing as a homosexual personality type or types homosexuals are of all age they come from all occupational fields and socio economic levels, some of them walk effeminately or behave effeminately some don't some are very masculine and so it is always erroneous because you see somebody who seem effeminate to assume that person is a homosexual 

The Hosts: Is any person born a homosexual?

DB: The research does not support that, in at least, Masters & Johnsons did a major research some years ago and from the research that they did it suggests that homosexuality is neither inborn or nor genetic 

The Hosts: If its neither inborn or genetic then is it normal?

DB: It depends on what you mean by normal, when we think of normal quite often we think of majority so it is normal for us to drive on the left hand side of the road in Jamaica because that's the norm, so when you think of normal statistically the majority of people are heterosexual and not homosexual so in that sense it would be considered abnormal because it is not the true case for the majority of people ........

The Hosts: is it wrong to experience homosexual thoughts?

DB: There are many people who experience the thoughts, there are many of us who experience all kinds of thoughts, you might experience the thought of lusting but do you act on it? you might experience the thought of stealing but do you act on it? the thoughts are things we experience because we live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with all kinds of ideas, what we need to be able to do is to recognise, understand our thoughts but to focus on the appropriate behaviour, so for instance a man who is not homosexual and is completely heterosexual and he sees a beautiful woman and so the thought of sleeping with that woman might come through his mind, does he act on it? no he can't because she is not his wife so it would be inappropriate, so we need to recognise that people do experience thoughts of all kinds, for instance one of the things that challenges us today why I believe the whole homosexuality is such a big issue is that pornography is a big thing access to pornography is very easy these days, you just have to have a computer and you go online go on the Internet and you can access thousands of pornographic sites and alot of them are homosexual sites and so you have alot of our youngsters who spend a tremendous amount of time on the computer they access these sites, they see this and observe it again and again so it becomes something that is apart of  their thinking and because its a part of their thinking they now want to act on it, it is very easy for two guys to be in a room and nobody thinks anything so we don't know if any experimentation took place. Experimentation might lead to further experimentation then it might become habit and then it might form for them what is now their perspective, their preference in their own sexual expression.

The Hosts: How does someone really become a homosexual?

Get the rest here:

   Love 101 FM Family Time on Homosexuality 19.01.12 by glbtqja7                  

Certainly we have a long way to go in the discourse and understanding between parties what is striking to me is that pastors who are psychologists tend to ignore the DSM rules in as far as homosexuality is concerned when it has not been a disorder since 1973. Other questions asked were how does one counsel a homosexual? does the Bible allow any room for homosexual relationships? 
Then there were the callers who in large part opposed homosexuality as was expected. I tried calling in but the lines were busy as is usually the case whenever homosexuality is discussed on any station.

Peace and tolerance


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