
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Watch out, Jamaica (Observer) letter writer on atheism

Jamaica Observer – A Jamaican Newspaper & Your Source for the Latest Jamaica News 

Dear Editor

The homosexual crusade has opened a new front in its assault on society's norms and traditional way of life. Its global centres in America, Canada and Europe have blown a gale-force wind in atheism, giving it much vitality and a new appeal.

Being atheist is now the most happening thing within the gay, lesbian and bi-sexual community. New adherents and veterans alike are now flocking to this newly found mode of awareness, and are using it as a proxy to further their foothold in society.

The choice of atheism — and not some other spiritual belief system — is an excellent preference for them. For one, it helps fortify their fundamental claim of being born gay; and further, it grants them the force necessary to help challenge the main charge against them: that homosexuality is essentially an ungodly lifestyle choice. In other words, atheism provides the free-thinking platform where homosexuals can dismissively reject the absolute notion of a God and of a final arbiter over morality.

By virtue of this, homosexuals are able to bluntly reject all forms of religious condemnation against them. This, of course, is central to their purpose, as they relish the idea of being able to use atheism as a doctrinal counterweight against all religions, especially Christianity, which has been a constant rebuking thorn in their movement's path.

Prior to this, it was the their sagacious use of the American Civil Rights laws to legitimise a lifestyle, which many still consider morally repugnant and totally contrary to the natural order of life. The Civil Rights laws, one of the greatest legislative achievements of the 20th century, was enacted to give minority groups, but primarily African-Americans who have suffered years of colour prejudice, the right to function as full citizens.

However, proponents of the gay rights movement have hijacked the Civil Rights movement and its laws, and have also cunningly used the same model of activism and advocacy as that of African-Americans to gain constitutional protection as a group. 

This added protection guarantees homosexuals their civil rights and bans discrimination against them based on sexual orientation. By reason of this, homosexuals' fundamental rights are protected twice under most civil societies' constitutions; once as members of a free society and once more as members of a special group.

Like body-piercing and tattooing, the new buzz of atheism will find its way into impressionable cultures such as Jamaica that takes its cue from "foreign", so to speak.

The latest crusading effort by international organisations, under the guise of promoting human rights, has come in the form of the US State Department announcing that future foreign aid will only be doled out to countries which are deemed homosexual-friendly, thus delivering a crippling economic blow to countries like Jamaica and Uganda, which oppose homosexuality and which also rely heavily on foreign aid assistance to supplement their budgets.

Recently, an African-American parent in Washington, DC, upon learning of her lesbian daughter's recent conversion to atheism, became distraught and declared that she was more bothered by her becoming an atheist than by being gay. This has become a challenge for parents like her as the spread of Atheism rises with the support of social networking, the Internet, and social clubs.

The concept of a Black atheist or Black atheism was a misnomer in African-American culture. But now, the idea is becoming more ubiquitous and steadily making inroads in bastions such as Harlem, Brooklyn and Washington, DC. This should be cause for consternation in Jamaica, as whatever is flavourful in America, especially with African-Americans, becomes flavourful with Jamaicans.

Very soon, this exotic union of homosexuality and atheism will barrel its way onto our shores and will take with it all vestiges of sexual morality. Watch out, Jamaica, a transforming force of human secularism is heading our way

C Anderson


This supposed fear and or paranoia is just unbelievable to me but then again the way how some sections of the Christian community lambaste homosexuality and dishonestly link male homosexuality in particular to predatory paedophilia without subscribing to or verifying the facts is a serious cause for concern, then it is no wonder persons turn away and become atheistic when God is for all intents and purposes is a loving God despite the sinner's sin as no supposed sin is greater than any other but homosexuality is marketed as such by some.

Sometimes I really do wonder if these over zealous persons or religious fanatics do not realise the very Antichrist which is so prophesied about is gaining more power by simply the vitriolic way theses persons condemn homosexuals without in some cases inviting dialogue or a movement towards Christ. This continued deceptive anti gay quest is becoming more of a turnoff to the average person if ever so slowly.
Personally I do believe in God but not the one that is being so presented to the world as so vengeful and hateful, how can hate and God be even in the same sentence when he came for the outcasts? only earlier today I posted on my sister blog Gay Jamaica Watch about whether Apostle Paul really condemned homosexuality per say but more so the non monogamous relationships that existed at the time in Rome where he was based.

The widening divide between the religious and the LGBT communities which also include LGBT Christians is worrying to me and there has to be some common ground especially here in Jamaica with talk of a promised review of the Buggery Law, knowing how influential the church still is here in Jamaica the review maybe thwarted especially when it gets to the conscience vote where members of parliament are expected to reflect their constituents' views if and when it occurs (many still see the promised buggery review as an election ploy to get pink votes in the Dec 29th polls).

As for the so called homosexual agenda, whatever that is, what agenda is the writer referring to? LGBT people have always been here but with successive generations things change and judging from the text in the letter the writer lives overseas, hypocritical that he stomachs homosexuality albeit with the necessary state protections where passed in the US and are exporting the hate to us. If I may quote a set of questions posted elsewhere: Isn't it ironic how many of these "Ministers" and Anti-Gay alliance groups readily and hastily flock to Black nations to spread this hate?
When's the last time you've heard of these groups go over to Norway or Denmark?
Makes you think what's their REAL motive in behind the targeting of specific countries and continents?

What is also very interesting is the amount of money being devoted to anti gay campaigns and full paged ads in Caribbean newspapers here (below) was one such as done by a group calling itself the Isaachar Foundation on Dec 1, 2011 bearing in mind a full page ad locally can run you up to half a million dollars depending on the day it's run.

while more pressing matters visible to all are left to simply go on, issues such as homeless kids, children in the care of the state, abused children and the umpteen missing kids here in Jamaica via the Ananda alerts in the papers daily, the zeal at which bishops and others go after or bash homos is far less energetic that developing interventions to solve those aforementioned problems but who cares really? HYPOCRITES!!!!!

Here is a look back at an exposé of homophobic evangelicals in the U.S. who support anti-gay rhetoric and violence in Uganda, thus exporting hate in the name of Christ whilst getting substantial funding in the process. 

Peace and tolerance


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