
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Stand Up To Same-Sex Lobby says Paul Kokoski .....................

So foreign influences who are opposed to homosexuality continue to get air time and space in local media spewing their neatly worded diatribe and coining or reusing so called terms like theophobia which speaks to a fear of gods or God's wrath or religion but here the writer tries to paint a picture of anti - Christian moves by the gay lobby as if to ask for or promote same sex rights will some how affect existing rights for other persons.

Have a read of the letter and see:

Jamaica Gleaner Company 


Recently there has been an orchestrated effort on the part of homosexual activists like Dr Stephen Moreton to legalise homosexuality and homosexual marriage throughout the Caribbean. Most of these people are not from the Caribbean but are trying to impose their sordid lifestyle on the Christian Caribbean islands.

People should be made aware of the fact that there is no 'gay gene' and no scientific proof that homosexuality is innate. Homosexuality is, in fact, an abnormal behaviour. Ironically, the homosexual lobby often tries to project their own disorder on heterosexuals by prejudicially labelling them 'homophobes'.

Dr Francis Collins, who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work sequencing the human genetic code, has stated that homosexuality is not genetically "hardwired". Homosexuality, like contraception, is contrary to natural law because it thwarts the natural generation of life.

Marriage is an institution that predates civilisation, ordained by God, and exclusive to one man and one woman who are given the responsibility to procreate the human race, and to nurture, educate, and pass on shared values and mores to their offspring.

To redefine marriage to include same-sex couples is to strip marriage of an essential component, namely, the ability and obligation to procreate. This would render marriage meaningless and open it up to endless revision and redefinition.

Gay marriage is a threat to religious freedom and conscience rights. There are already incidents in Canada and the United States of religious adoption and foster-care agencies being pushed out of work, and small business owners being fined or sued for not accommodating same-sex couples.

Town clerks and other officials with objections to participating in same-sex union ceremonies or to the granting of same-sex marriage licences have been told to find other jobs.

Once a state recognises same-sex partnerships as marriages or the equivalent, naturally the argument is made that in family-life classes in schools, this has to be taught to be a valid partnership. Religious parents who do not want their children to be indoctrinated in beliefs contrary to their will be out of luck. They will be branded and labelled as bigots. This is already happening in Canada.

Christians and other people from traditional faith communities are being called in a new way to have courage. The problem today is not homophobia but theophobia - a hatred by some of God, faith, religion, and the Church. The public affirmation of this prejudice is the hallmark of ideological totalitarianism.



This dishonest premise where he repeatedly puts forward in his letters to newspapers all over that "Gay marriage is a threat to religious freedom and conscience rights" coupled with the disruption of the family is a lie in my view as it does not take away from any existing rights for heterosexual couples. In fact I dare say if gay couples marry, adopt and raise children it in no way damages or blights their growth, we have seen undisputed evidence of this where same gender loving couples raise hetersosexual children. Maybe we could adopt some of those abandoned or homeless ones locally left behind by procreation indiscretions or "accidents" 

When LGBT groups or human rights entities ask for gay marriage rights as far as I am concerned it is about the state recognizing the union so as to effect benefits already allotted to heterosexual married couples such as pension benefits, state insurance (where allotted), death benefits, legal divorce proceedings, probate of wills in case one half of the pair passes away, wealth and assets sharing after death or divorce as per relevant state statutes etc. Anti gay lobbyists such as this letter writer make it seem as if heterosexual couples are going to be denied any of those rights and benefits they already enjoy when they sign on the dotted line of a marriage certificate as literally it is at that time and subsequently the registering of that marriage/union at the local registrar office or similar structures that puts into motion all those state benefits and legal coverage for wedded persons.

To present this farce or create hysteria of gay marriage affecting humanity or procreation while making gay lobbyist to be anti Christian principle is a an outright dishonest practice and is what ticks persons off and maybe in fact lead them to become such in order to avoid any confrontation, so they dismiss both the so called Christian individual who is fanatically obsessed as this letter writer is and all that (s)he espouses (we have our local ones too) or stand for including God and sadly many LGBT individuals do not bother to separate them and have become weary of the diatribe, in effect giving atheists and by extension radical anti Christian persons gay or straight more ammunition, believe it or not there are gay Christians who are progressive thinkers and persons like me who were in the church but struggled with the question of my orientation versus my status with God, finally realising God loves me no matter what my orientation is and the need to revisit spiritually and theologically this matter of homosexuality and Christian life.

The question of sexual practice and choices can be argued hereinafter, do we for example continue in celibacy or explore life and love with one faithful partner and not go down the road of multiple partners? Those are the questions fanatics like Paul Kokoski should consider instead of worrying about marriage rights denial for same gender loving folks. Did Paul for example really have an issue with homosexuality while working Rome? a question that was looked at on a previous post on my sister blog Gay Jamaica Watch: 

Did Apostle Paul actually accepted Christian homosexuals?

The notion that marriage must not be re-invented is a farce as marriage to day in all its aspects has been reinvented and reshaped repeatedly be they the romantic elements, the financial, the spiritual, gender roles/partner responsibilities as per societal norms and even how states recognise unions and accord benefits have changed radically over time, there were days when in Palestine and those parts where women were and in some cases still are subservient to men, couples do not exchange vows but a woman is pegged to her husband for life while he can have as many wives as he sees fit. Dowry practices still exist in India and other societies. Even in biblical days David the Psalms writer had concubines, Solomon had concubines yet married as well yet those men were used by God for his glory, what about the controversial love between David and Jonathan while carrying out the instructions of God for leading his people? What about the inappropriate relationship between David and Bathsheba? we do not hear these anti gay pundits bringing related pointers in their arguments or pronouncements.

Procreation is no longer a matter of sexual relations or copulation between the opposite sexes anymore there are medical advances that allow other methods for creating, growing and carrying a foetus including surrogacy for those persons who cannot bear children naturally or as an option for same sexed couple wishing to become parents but do not want to use their own bodies. As I have said before in previous posts what a wonderful job we are already doing in terms of procreation by Paul Kokoski's standards here, ever climbing divorce rates, thousands of missing children, most born out of wedlock, hundreds of boys wiping wind-shields daily at stop lights and those same religious pundits/fanatics pass them in the vehicles with windows wound up and tinted yet we have the most churches per square miles with very little social outreach for these vulnerable populations, indeed the most churches per square miles we have yet we are having ever increasing numbers of homeless homo and heterosexual populations alike plus others in abject poverty especially the elderly per square inch on our city side walks and towns and golden aged homes who are abandoned, where are the numerous or matching social work numbers to meet these issues? yet there is this grand attempt to stop private consenting adults from having their rights with big bucks being spent in some instances to do so, lest we forget that full paged ad in the Gleaner estimated cost $JA250, 000 money that could have been used for some outreach or donated to a home. We have also seen the zeal at which conservatives fund other anti gay action in Uganda: 

In The Life Series: Coalition & Allies (anti gay conservatives & Ugandan links)

Mr Kokoski needs to take a trip to Jamaica and let us take him around to see the REAL WORLD. He needs to stop pushing this ultra conservative garbage on us from afar.

Peace and tolerance


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