
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

US Anti-gay marriage group used aparteid-like race-baiting to fight marriage equality ???

So it seems based on a HRC release yesterday to include evidence of same.

Previously Confidential Documents Shed Light on (NOM) National Organization for Marriage Strategy NOM Exposed is a campaign-style operation that tracks and challenges the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage as it tries to influence elections and legislative campaigns across the US.

According to previously sealed documents obtained by The Human Rights Council HRC a human rights group defending LGBT rights in the United States an apartheid type set of strategies were said to have been planned and were to be executed by the aforementioned organization. 

HRC got a hold of internal NOM documents that shed light on the anti-LGBT movement’s overall strategy. These documents were just unsealed in Maine mid-afternoon on March 27. The docs are part of the ongoing investigation by the State of Maine into the campaign finance activities of NOM in that state. Much more to come but some high (low) lights from PDF page 13 of the “confidential” 2008-09 report to the NOM Board of Directors:

“The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks—two key Democratic constituencies. Find, equip, energize and connect African American spokespeople for marriage, develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots…”

Another passage:

"The Latino vote in America is a key swing vote, and will be so even more so in the future, both because of demographic growth and inherent uncertainty: Will the process of assimilation to the dominant Anglo culture lead Hispanics to abandon traditional family values? We must interrupt this process of assimilation by making support for marriage a key badge of Latino identity - a symbol of resistance to inappropriate assimilation."

On PDF page 12, it talks about “sideswiping Obama,” painting him as a “social radical” and talking about “side issues” like pornography.

It was April 2011 where a top official at NOM had defected to support civil marriage equality and it is not the first time NOM has been accused of suspicious activity.

see the pages below on the latest revelations:

Sad that this is the route based on the evidence before us that opponents of gay marriage have taken to get their point across but then again it was also discovered that right wing Christian groups were financially supporting the anti gay Ugandan campaign including that infamous Bill that attempts are being made to have it pass. 

see:  In The Life Series: Coalition & Allies (anti gay conservatives & Ugandan links) 

In a sense I am not surprised.

here is an interview with Truth Wins Out's Wayne Besen

here is a subsequent interview with the previously absent NOM President in interview 1 (above) with gay Republican Fred Karger

Peace and tolerance



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