
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Homosexuality Will Destroy The Traditional Family (Gleaner letter) ..... well timed anti gay messages?

It seems the anti gay lobby is at it again this time with a series of well orchestrated messages well timed and placed, just days ago we heard a radio interview with a leading clergyman uttering the same thing, then the comments and emails towards my blogs with the same message then over in the neighbouring Caribbean islands namely St Lucia we saw a newscast saying the same message and the clergyman interviewed on camera there then saying homosexuality is a disorder

A prominent Clergyman believes the growth of the gay rights lobby is a big contributor to the perpetration of acts of buggery.
Catholic Priest Linus Clovis was speaking against the backdrop of the alleged incident in Canaries in which a Policeman and another man are reported to have sexually assaulted a mentally challenged teenaged boy.

Here is the letter however appearing in today's Gleaner:

Homosexuality Will Destroy The Traditional Family


I am compelled to address the issue of homosexuality in light of recent pictures of two gay marriages by Jamaicans overseas, comments by the United States deputy assistant secretary of state that Jamaica will not be allowed to move at its own pace in its acceptance of homosexuality, and the Archbishop of Accra's thoughts on the matter.

We are seeing the very powerful gay lobby in every facet of life, be it spiritual, social, economic, legal, cultural or political. What bothers me is the fact that those of us who do not subscribe to the lifestyle are vilified, seen as haters, and many have turned a blind eye or are afraid that the mighty USA and England will not continue to be generous to us. Many of us are prepared to sell our souls for 30 pieces of silver!

I went to college in the USA where I lived in girls' dormitories and apartments in Portland, Oregon, and Washington, DC. There were lesbians and men with men everywhere! I found many of them to be well-rounded individuals, having excellent interpersonal skills, but their jealously takes on blood-curdling, deadly and demonic proportions!

All the sexual problems of the heterosexual lifestyle pale in comparison to this lifestyle. I have seen enough, experienced enough of the nastiness and perversion as I interfaced with many of them, cried with them, helped some pick up the pieces of their lives, comforted some, saw deaths, including suicide.

This lifestyle is destructive and feeds on itself. It devours as it goes along.

Love for the lifestyle

Many homosexuals will tell you that they know it is wrong but they love the lifestyle, as it enables them to 'step up inna life'. There is much material gain. Others are so fierce and in your face that it is difficult to like them, much more love them, even if they are family friends or family members. But love them we must.

I have two grandchildren. What do I tell them when they come home and ask me why does little Ann or Sam have two mommies or two daddies?

I will teach my grandchildren not to hate, kill or maim them, but that individuals chose this lifestyle which will ultimately destroy families as we know it, and that for our family, homosexuality will never be okay.


My simple two cents: via some questions for her to ponder, pity she never left an email but if she or someone she knows sees this .............

Frankly Miss Wray aren't the very gay people who you so chastise now born in most cases to supposed heterosexuals be they in married unions or single parent homes?

Isn't the family as you know it already on the way to being destroyed seeing that there are so many boys on our streets that holier than thous like you drive pass and not pat attention to in any really serious fashion or provide any assistance to? And what about mis-matched marriages in church for the sake of impressing other church brethren? persons forced to enter into a relationship and they do not even know each other

What about gay and lesbian couples who raise very heterosexual children in a steady and stable household, did they destroy that child in the process?

Do not confuse consenting same gender loving adults living their lives as they see fit within the legal framework thus far with exploitative same sex relationships, they are different, way different and there are numerous examples of stable same sex unions with either adopted children or children born with an opposite sex partner in a previous union by one of the two persons in the couple and the children turn out 'undamaged" far better tolerant than other kids in a heterosexual union and are heterosexual themselves, I shudder to think what your household maybe like and the type of men and women you would be contributing to society after all didn't Christ say we must love our neighbours as ourselves, what is this fear in the religious community that homosexuals are going to poison the world?

Granting rights and privileges to same gender loving folks won't diminish or take away rights already enjoyed by heterosexuals.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself in your case.

By the way someone sent me this on facebook, thought I'd share it:

Here is an audio I did recently:

Peace and tolerance


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