
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Same-Sex Marriage A Misnomer, Fraud (Gleaner Letter)

The paranoia is crazy as this letter brings to bear, a no point did anyone in the struggle locally JFLAG or otherwise have asked for gay marriage rights or rights similar to those heterosexual couples get after tying the knot or related state recognition when we can't even get passed privacy and consensual sex matters. Even so I doubt churches would be forced to perform gay weddings similarly as they choose whether to wed divorcees or not, a point raised recently on a radio show discussing the attitudes to homosexuality study released September 5, plus the LGBT constituents have not issued such a mandate as yet. What is this fear that gay marriage is going to be next on the agenda if buggery is repealed or at best decriminalization so same gender loving persons can practice intimacy in the privacy of their own homes without prying eyes or nosy neighbors calling the police as is possible in modern day Jamaica, one can still be held just on suspicion of the act, proving it is a whole other matter via a doctor's report etc.

have a read of the letter and see what you make of it:

Jamaica Gleaner Company 


The increased discussion and acceptance, here and abroad, of the so-called 'same-sex marriage' calls for a face-to-face discussion of the issue. To begin with, the term 'same-sex marriage' is a misnomer; it is a fraud, it is a farce, it is an aberration of human nature, it is a perversion.
Marriage was instituted by God for the orderly development of the human race in a family structure. In Genesis 2:8, God said, "It is not good for man to be alone." So He gave him a WOMAN; not another man!
Matthew 19:3-6 clearly says that marriage is a joining by God of a man and a woman, and it says, "Let a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they shall be one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder."
Biblical marriage is holy. So-called same-sex marriage is not joined by God, and it is not holy matrimony. It is sin. Marriage is God-made. Same-sex marriage is man-made. It is man's invention in opposition to divine ordination.
Clearly, it is a farcical imposition on society of what, at best, is a personal and social arrangement or contract, which seeks to demand legal approval and general acceptance in normal society.
In any case, it is a bad example for our children and young people who seek to pattern their lives from grown-ups.
Romans 1:19-32 is very forthright in stating that because of man's rebellion, God gave them up to reprobate minds and vile lusts, practising unseemly things, "both their females changed the natural use into that contrary to nature; and in like manner, males leaving the natural use of the female, were inflamed in their lusts towards one another, males with males working shame and receiving in themselves the recompense of their error, which was fit".
Much sympathy, love and compassion need to be shown to individuals who feel trapped in these unnatural urges, and who are desirous of change. Professional psychiatric counselling, as well as spiritual, prayerful counselling, is available and should be sought.
The condition should be treated; not excused as being 'in the genes'.
Many lives have been changed, with victory experienced, by yielding to Jesus Christ as healer, helper, forgiver, and friend. There is victory in Jesus!
Kingston 8

Pity the writer never left a proper contact so the discourse could continue, this last lick and run business is the strategy these days with these religious zealots. With approximately 120 countries that have decriminalized buggery only twenty or so have gone the route to legalize gay marriages, one does not necessarily follow as is feared by some including this letter writer above. There is a lot of public education that is needed as to the rights, privileges, stages and responsibilities of couples especially if children are involved either by surrogate mother or adoption.

As for the high divorce rates in Jamaica why defend an institution that clearly is not being engaged properly by heterosexual couples yet via religious imposition deny other who want to make their lives together permanent?

check out the latest figures from the Statistical Institute last updated May 2012 a fact overlooked in the letter.

The hint to reparatve therapy is also an issue for me and the recent study hinted to above also seems to confirm the believe gays can be changed by professional help as in this case prayer which many have tried but have not seen the change occur, we also have the dubious ex-gay accounts from overseas to prove the falsehood of that notion that sexual orientation can be changed:

recent study details carried on local television.

Here is a recent undercover investigation with a hidden camera at an ex gay camp in Minnesota:

Live and let live I say, think on these things.

Peace and tolerance


XXXTRAA - my message just in case gay marriage rights is called for later on  

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