
Friday, July 5, 2013

'Don't come back here' - Maxfield residents warn gay man after publicized eviction (Star News)

Sadly as we watch with sadness the plight of our homeless brothers (and sisters in transwomanhood) play out before our eyes for over four years with very little care from the more well to do amongst us, what hypocrisy that we are asking the nation for tolerance towards homosexuals but fail to demonstrably show it with the least amongst us that it has to reach this stage. Let us not forget it was August last year we saw a similar eviction on Cargill Avenue as well but first here is the Star News Account of the happenings within the last two days and my comments and links to other blog posts on the subject matter.

The house from where the gay men were evicted on Millsborough Avenue, St Andrew, being demolished yesterday. - Norman Grindley

Residents of a Maxfield Avenue community and relatives of a self-professed gay man who appeared in a newscast during an eviction on Wednesday say he is no longer welcomed in the area where he grew up.

The residents are adamant that it will be "hell and powder house" if he is seen anywhere near the place he once called home. They say he has brought disgrace and condemnation on the community.

When THE WEEKEND STAR visited the Kingston 13 community yesterday, the major talking point was Wednesday evening's operation by the security forces to evict a group of approximately 16 gay men from a property on Millsborough Avenue, upper St Andrew.

"Bout him a tell people say a Maxfield him come from and him can't go back home ... Bout him name 'Rihanna' and sometime dem call him 'Ginger'. Him better find some weh go, not even him family dem want it back round ya, him bait up di place," one resident said. "A garrison this enuh and dem ting deh jus' a hold down the community ... "

similar sentiments

THE WEEKEND STAR was told also that a crowd had converged after the showing of the local news, and everyone shared similar sentiments about their resentment for 'Rihanna' coming back there.

A woman said: "That not right fi him come back here because we don't support dem lifestyle deh. I have my little son living here and I don't want him to grow up thinking it's ok for boys to behave in that manner".

It was revealed that Rihanna's father is a well known community figure serving time in prison, but who disapproves of his son's homosexual lifestyle.

"Him fada deh a prison how long and send message to him say when him come out what and what him ago do to him and him mek back talk say him fada can't do him nothing and anything a anything if a gunshot a gunshot," a source said.

Rihanna is heavily bleached and dressed in a pair of black fishnet stockings. He wore false eyelashes and was clad in a woman's wig. He told reporters that his cover was blown unexpectedly.

Meanwhile, the abandoned house in the upscale community which was being occupied by the men was demolished yesterday.


More on video:

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