
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Trichomoniasis Syptoms etc

So in a series of workshop on men's health and self esteem it has come to light that some of our MSM populations are way out of it when it comes to other sexually transmitted infections moreso than HIV/AIDS as the latter is where the focus seems to be placed, so here is one of the ones that left most participants unable to answer when asked if they knew this disease and its symptoms. The internet is replete with information on the disease so search or share the following.

Overview of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections which are transmitted during vaginal, anal or oral sex. STIs are serious and painful and can cause major health problems. Some STIs infect the sexual and reproductive organs; others (such as HIV and syphilis) can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and child birth. Most STIs can be cured if you get treated early. Sometimes, you can have STIs with no signs or symptoms. At other times the symptoms will go away without treatment but you still have the STIs and you must get treatment in order to get rid of the STIs.

How to recognize Sexually Transmitted Infections
The following common symptoms may occur in infected men and women:
A drip or unusual discharge from the sex organ
Sores, bumps or blisters on or near the sex organs anus or mouth
Burning pain when you urinate (pee) or have a bowel movement
A swelling or redness in your throat
Swelling in your groin, the area around your sex organs.

Additionally, women may have the following symptoms:
Pain in the area between your belly bottom and sex organs
Burning or itching around your vagina
Vaginal bleeding between periods
Pain deep inside the vagina when you have sex

If you think you have an STI, please visit a health care provider. Most health centres, clinics, private doctors and hospitals treat STIs. No matter where you get treated, your condition will be kept confidential. Remember to follow your health care provider’s instructions carefully and do not share or take medication from other persons.

STIs that cause discharge
The following STIs may cause genital discharge:
Bacterial Vaginosis

(Trick-o-mon-eye-a-sis) suggested pronunciation

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a small organism called Trichomonas vaginalis. Women are most often affected by this disease, although men can become infected and pass the infection to their partners through sexual contact.

How Common Is Trichomoniasis?

Trichomoniasis is the most common curable STD in young, sexually active women. An estimated 7.4 million new cases occur each year in women and men.

How Do I Know If I Have Trichomoniasis?

Men often do not have symptoms of trichomoniasis and usually do not know they are infected until their partners need treatment. But when symptoms do occur, they include:
Irritation inside the penis
Mild discharge
Slight burning after urination or ejaculation

Many women do have signs or symptoms of infection. Symptoms in women can include:
Greenish-yellow, frothy vaginal discharge with a strong odor
Painful urination
Vaginal itching and irritation
Discomfort during intercourse
Lower abdominal pain (rare)

Symptoms usually appear within five to 28 days of exposure in women.

How Is Trichomoniasis Diagnosed?

To diagnose trichomoniasis, a doctor must perform a physical exam and lab test. Lab tests are performed on a sample of vaginal fluid or urethral fluid to look for the disease-causing parasite. The parasite is harder to detect in men than in women.

How Is Trichomoniasis Treated?

Usually an oral antibiotic called metronidazole (Flagyl) is given to treat trichomoniasis. Before taking this drug, it is very important to let your doctor know if there is any chance that you could be pregnant, because the drug could harm the baby.

Your partner should also be treated at the same time to prevent reinfection and further spread of the disease. In addition, persons being treated for trichomoniasis should avoid sex until they and their sex partners complete treatment and have no symptoms. It is important to take all of your antibiotics, even if you feel better.

What Happens If I Don't Get Treated for Trichomoniasis?

Trichomoniasis in pregnant women may cause premature rupture of the membranes that protect the baby, and early delivery. The genital inflammation caused by trichomoniasis might also increase a woman's risk of acquiring HIV infection if she is exposed to HIV. Trichomoniasis in a woman who is also infected with HIV can increase the chances of transmitting HIV infection to a sex partner.

How Can I Prevent Trichomoniasis Infection?

To reduce your risk of trichomoniasis infection:
Use condoms correctly every time you have sex.
Limit the number of sex partners, and do not go back and forth between partners.
Practice sexual abstinence, or limit sexual contact to one uninfected partner.
If you think you are infected, avoid sexual contact and see a doctor.

Any genital symptoms such as discharge or burning during urination or an unusual sore or rash should be a signal to stop having sex and to consult a doctor immediately. If you are told you have trichomoniasis or any other STD and receive treatment, you should notify all of your recent sex partners so that they can see a doctor and be treated.

additional information:


  1. nice write up! I suffered from HIV, I was almost down with AIDS, I sought help from DR Jose Alessio, with his drugs, prayers and instructions I was treated and now i am free!pray to God and follow the instructions of Dr Jose, he has the perfect solutions for the following ailments,HSV, HERPES, GENITAL WARTS, HIV 1 snd 2, STAPHYLOCOCCUS, HPV, CHLAMYDIA, GONORRHEA, TRICHOMONIASIS, HEPATITIS, CHANCROID, LYMPHOGRANULOM VENERUM OR LGV, MOLLUSCUM AND CONTAGIOSUM.He is such a genius dealing with STD issues, you can write to him on He will surely be able to help you

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