
Monday, June 23, 2014

Dubious Adam4Adam Profiles, Unscrupulous Sports, Gay Imposters, Robberies & Safety ...........

A series of incidents within the last few months have raised concerns about a man or men supposedly from Kingston who is posing on popular international gay hookup site adamforadam as a gay man seeking a one night stand or hookup where three robberies all describing the same person in height and skin complexion while also brandishing a machete or chopper in robbing his victims has resulted, his latest attempt was in the Kingston 3 area last week where the hookup was made at the home of the unfortunate person after which the weapon was brandished and he proceeded to relieve the frightened young man of a laptop, several thousand dollars in cash intended for rent payment, a smart phone and other smaller items. A report was made via phone by the latest victim to me and permission granted in sharing this matter; a previous Facebook posting from another victim also had a warning of what seemingly is the same individual who changes or block his number after each robbery; goes uncover or invisible then resurfaces, he also his usually closes his Adam profile only to resurface and repeat the attack all over again with fresh victims.

The link was made on sometime in last week after a few days extended messaging albeit the party had no facial photos of himself but that of a torso the final meeting was arranged for a one night stand, I asked the reportee why didn’t he allow the initial meeting to happen at a more neutral or central location in a crowded space while switching his declared identity so he could scrutinise his intended party? he said that he allowed the person to get the best of him and his judgement and decision making was poor at the time to have allowed himself to make such a mistake. He said the man wasted no time in making his intent known upon arriving at his home and so he said he could take what he wanted but not to harm him. 

Facebook & unintentional outings to family members

History has taught us this that unscrupulous persons sometimes seize the opportunity in times of high visibility in LBGT public discourse to disguise themselves or even pretend to be looking for a hookup on the face of it when really their intentions are to rob persons, since the start of this year there have been some four such known cases of Facebook hook-ups gone bad with persons being robbed and one person actually suffering what turned out to be a homophobic raid disguised as a hookup. The man who had arrived at the meeting point at a popular guest house in St Andrew had hiding and waiting in a car three other cronies who alighted from the vehicle when they were signalled by the mastermind pretender. The intended victim however had realised that something was amiss and had made arrangements to leave the building in time before the worse could have occurred, he reported that he was alerted to the suspicious behaviour of the mastermind decoy as he kept going to the bathroom and closing the door, the escapee said he noticed at every entrance to the bathroom by the would be culprit muffled conversations could be heard coming from behind the closed doors which made him suspicious so he left a couple thousand dollar notes and made good his separation. It was upon leaving in another car driven by a friend who was alerted and asked to come that the plot was uncovered as they sat in the parking lot windows wound up and noticed the three men now together engaged in what appeared to be very animated conversation with each other as they seemed upset at the disappearance of their intended victim. Several phone calls to the intended victim by the man from his regular number and from private numbers also raised the suspicion of thuggery at play. 

It was a voicemail message by the mastermind that finally confirmed the deception where he issued veiled threats that if he met him again he would do him harm while in the background the other male voices could be heard expressing their disgust at not being able to exact their intended crime.

I have warned about fake profiles and disingenuous intent before by persons on this and the sister blogs and also about e-lationships and the risks involved with parties one may not be familiar with. Sadly there is a lingering perception even by downlow thugs as it were that other gay men are ripe for the picking and easy targets for robbery as they have more material wealth or financial where it all. So they target more effeminate or single gay men living in certain residential areas. One has to be very careful as the latter incident explained above is more likely to happen as the national temperature of homosexuality, perceptions of bullying by the lobby collectively and the hysteria surrounding the JFJ Sex education manual in children’s home supposedly sneaking in homosexuality through the back door may cause some idiot out there to launch a deceptive attack on perceived homosexuals or lesbians for that matter.

see: The Deliberate Misuse of the “Sexual Grooming” Term by Antigay Fanatics to Promote Their Hysteria

Another fake Facebook hookup incident took place in February of this year and was reported through the Aphrodite’s PRIDE Jamaica intake mechanism as the male victim in his late twenties was also lured into meeting someone who had posted a fake photograph of their genitalia and lower torso. The hookup also as the Kingston 3 incident took place at the home of the intended target of the deception and upon arrival he was pounced upon by two other men who arrived via bicycle, several electronic items were stolen including a phone, a tablet and a laptop as well. The similarities in the cases suggest it maybe the same set of persons who are carrying out these attacks via social media as similar items are taken when they occur.

Thankfully some gay and bisexual hookup Facebook groups administrators and other micro-blogging avenues have been heeding the warnings and vetting or monitoring their membership with far more vigilance than before. One lesbian group has been requiring persons declare their sexual orientation in order to remain in the group it has been reported. An older case of corrective rape and grievous sexual assault comes to mind from 2010 when a popular LGBT network page was targeted by a group of men aided by a female in St Catherine to lure women into the trap and then rape them as the victims were led to believe they were conversing online with another woman.

That matter was dealt with as the ring leader was subsequently nabbed, computers seized and other parties arrested, the case however stalled somewhat as the other victims did not come forward to make the case stronger but eventually the main henchman was sentenced to 29 years while the others were pursued by a cooperative Center for Investigations of Sexual Offences & Child Abuse, CISOCA team in the parish, an alleged corrective rape case also came up for mention this year in Western Jamaica but no serious follow up seems to have been done in terms of arrests and charges laid on any suspects.

A word to the wise is sufficient although we cannot stress the importance of being careful on these things as one just can never tell who is who or what are persons’ motives out there.

a previous podcast on tips for hookups, hope they help

Please be safe, please be vigilant

Peace and tolerance


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