
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Woman Labelled “Man Royal” Forced to Relocate from a St Catherine Community

And the silly season continues.


It is not yet clear if this incident is linked to the present national moral panic led by some religious voices who are in opposition to a supposed homosexual agenda and the sacking/temporary reinstatement via court ex-parte injunction of Professor Brendon Bain in a UWI CHART program. Psychologically it feels like ten years ago when the environment felt tense in a sense and persons were far more intolerant and less accommodating.

A woman who resided in the St Johns Road of St Catherine area was given several days to leave the area by men who said they were concerned for her as alleged persons who were not pleased with her masculine tendencies as it turns out said she was unwelcomed all of a sudden in the area; despite her involvement on the youth football team, despite her likeability from other community members for years; despite her dog business where she raises and sells certain breeds of dogs she was still told to avoid any eventualities as she persons who were threatening seems anonymous but better to be safe and sorry. Apart from the face to face discussions with the males in the area, harmonious socialization with them as in her words she was seen as one of the boys so to speak she received a series of phone calls with threatening tones suggesting she was stealing women from men and causing supposed heterosexual women to turn lesbian. Ironically the alliance with a butch identified woman is a plus for some men as it plays out in polyamorous relational matters since some men also find multi female partnering attractive and the evidence is very visible at certain adult entertainment spots where a butch identified woman may be seen with men socializing or at the bar or in the case of the sex club industry networking sometimes very closely with a lesbian of bisexual woman helps for connections and delivery of paid sexual services from more feminine types who may not even be female attracted but engage in the business for purposes of earning an income.

The woman has since taken evasive action and thanks to the community based assisted phenomenon she has moved most of her belongings almost two weeks now and is temporarily staying at a friend’s flat. Days prior to her departure the frequency of the phone calls increased and became far more threatening to which she took no chance, a recent beheading of a man on Job’s Lane nearby and other matters in and around the area though not possibly linked has had many persons cautious overall so it stands to reason for one not to ignore any threatening actions of conversations. Speculation is rife however that a recent area leader who recently returned to the community after a log prison sentence is suspected as he tries to regain territory and intimidate those who he can in doing so to maintain hold on power in the area. Other persons have been moving out of the area as allegations of extortion rental for persons to stay in their houses which is a relatively new feature of wealth creation for criminal minds has also made some residents concerned. Since her departure from the area the calls has stopped after about two days but she has changed her number so as to avoid contact. It seems more and more butch identified or masculine acting women colloquially named ad “Man Royal” made popular locally by Beenieman in an old lesbophobic song he recorded some years ago unconfirmed reports suggests there has been some spike of sorts of attacks from verbal spats with community residents to public fallouts and physical attacks including an alleged corrective rape case in western Jamaica.

Another lesbian from Portmore a case that is still under investigation according to my sources was also forced to leave her rented flat by the landlord as he complained that other home owners and residents on the walkway complained repeatedly to them of the numerous women visiting and allegations of school girls who though not stopping are friendly with her which the residents fear she maybe inveigling them into lesbianism. So one cannot even enjoy the privacy of their home as in a rental agreement as others without proper proof disturbs one comfort of home, the woman in this matter has denied the schoolgirl bit of the allegations but she has supposedly confirmed that she has friends over on a weekend to lyme and relax. Portmore although a surburban area has had its far share of challenges despite the population types as upwardly mobile and more educated that other domiciles yet the level of homo-negativity and homophobia is worrying sometimes, one can remember the days of repeated forced evictions in Greater Portmore for example even as the housing scheme was new and new owners were moving in or renting them to working class persons to offset mortgages.

Perceived gender non conforming aesthetics and behaviours can cause challenges especially during this hot silly season as indicated in the introduction, persons seems to develop a radar specifically to look for those GNC traits so as to launch some opposition often in public to force the target of such abuse into submission while religious voices who are supposed help gel society are busy creating wedges and polarization on misguided perceptions of homosexuality in Jamaica. 

Strangely Beenieman who was mentioned above alongside his old anti lesbian song 'Man Royal' is now in a feud with another murder music accused Elephant Man as their creativity shrinks so they have to resort to staged stand-offs to get attention, see: Dancehall Acts with Anti Gay Legacy Feud with each other as Creativity Fades ....
Thankfully this displacement case ended with a reasonable resolution and I hope she can settle and recommence her life as before in a safe and comfortable zone.

Peace and tolerance


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