
Friday, May 22, 2015

Gov't Makes International Commitment To Reduce Violence Against Women, Gays

In a follow up to the previous post comes another promise and hot air sounds from local politicians who always get away with duping us. Been so busy with some other issues but I saw a report on the matter.

The Gleaner reported that a senior legislator in the Portia Simpson Miller administration revealed yesterday that he has adopted a multi-ministerial approach to protect the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

But Justice Minister Mark Golding was silent on Simpson Miller's promised parliamentary vote on the buggery law four years ago.

Golding told journalists that concerns were raised by members of the international community last week in Geneva, Switzerland, on the fate of Jamaica's buggery laws.

He was speaking during a joint press conference convened by his ministry and the A.J. Nicholson-led Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade on Jamaica's presentation at the Universal Periodic Review (Human Rights).

"There were concerns raised by delegations on the issues of discrimination and stigma against such groups such as women and LGBT persons," said Golding.

"There were concerns expressed about the treatment, particularly violence against LGBT persons, with several delegations calling for [the] repeal of the buggery law," he added.


Golding said he told the international community that

in order to create a better understanding of the concerns of the LGBT community, several initiatives have been put in place.

These, he said, include the Jamaica Constabulary Force Diversity Policy, implemented in August 2011, as well as the enactment of Section 18A of the Offences Against the Person Act.

"I expressed the commitment of the Jamaican Government to take measures to reduce violence against all groups, including women and LGBT persons," said Golding.

The Universal Periodic Review is a methodical assessment by the international community of each country's adherence

to enshrined human-rights principles.

Of 168 recommendations made to Jamaica, Golding said the Government plans to address 24 in a more fulsome way in the follow-up session in September.

Among those which will take priority are:

n The establishment of a National Human Rights Institute.

n The removal of the death penalty from the books.

n Tackling gender-based violence.

n Conditions of detention.

Golding told journalists that Jamaica was commended for its positive strides, especially in the issue of justice reform, gender equality, and the increased participation of women in various spheres of life.

Click HERE for the previous post on the subject but I am weary of promises and nice narratives to look good on the international scene so as to get in line with grant funding as austerity grips us further.

or see:

Justice Minister reiterates his personal position on the Buggery Law, Anal Intercourse, Consent & Privacy

When did anyone ask for gay marriage rights in Jamaica when we can't get basic tolerance

Jamaican Opposition Leader says he would allow homosexuals in his cabinet .

Opposition Leader sides with antigay groups on Referendum on The Buggery Law

Promised (I mean suggested) Conscience vote on Buggery law not a priority right now (yet again)

Foreign Affairs Minister says Govt should be cautious on gay rights issues in Jamaica

Promised Conscience Vote on Buggery in Jamaica was a fluke

PNP’s Bobby Pickersgill differs on Conscience Vote route to decide on Buggery Law

PNP's Damion Crawford says it's highly unlikely buggery review will happen ........ it's not important now

PM scolds gay-rights protesters in New York ........ challenges truthfulness of Homophobic Claims

Former Prime Minister PJ Patterson’s call for tolerance not genuine & sheer hypocrisy

Opposition leader (JLP) reiterates his call for a referendum on Buggery

Non Governmental Organization Consultant says JLP suggested Referendum on Buggery is not a good idea

Portia Reneges On Gay Promise says Gordon Robinson

Milk River PNP Councillor says no to buggery repeal ...

J-FLAG Disappointed With PM's Unfulfilled Promise, Though She Remains Best Hope

also see the latest faux pas by the JCHS: US Exporting buggery to Jamaica

No Healthy Society Without Equality

see this CVM TV discussion if you can stomach it right through with gay marriage being parachuted in to distort the discussion:

or click HERE for CVM TV's page

Clovis toons have been on a roll on the subject with the latest one on top, the others were previous releases:

UPDATE November 2015
Minister Golding trying to manipulate anti-gay sentiments (Jamaica Observer Editorial)

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