
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Cops urged to use diversity training to make a difference, but .......

Earlier this month newly trained cops were urged to be non judgemental in carrying out their duties but frankly speaking anyone can sit in a training session and play the conformist and still go out there and stigmatize persons.

As a previous post here shows the older cops need training badly. There are complaints of alleged shake downs yet still and bribe seeking from party promoters who may have their events too loud and such. 

present cases as posted on Gay Jamaica Watch:
Cops in $500k gays blackmail case mentioned in St Catherine court

So our displaced cannot settle eh? ....... police raid premises with cross dressers!
Public Defender pleased with diversity training for police

I see no mention of refresher courses or re-training of the same cohorts or previous groups but USAID COMET II in supporting the Community Based Policing efforts of the Jamaica Constabulary Force is conducting a series of Training on Diversity. The areas of focus are women and girls, people living with disabilities, marginalized youth and the LGBT community.

The objectives of the training sessions are:

• To raise the awareness of the participants as it pertains to the nuances of the diverse groups in society.

• To better understand the safety and security issues and challenges facing the diverse groups.

• To increase the capacity of the police to develop interventions that are inclusive or are specific to the needs of diverse groups.

• To enable the participants to maintain professionalism in the discharge of duties; to treat with dignity and respect, uphold and preserve the human rights of all irrespective of who the individual is or to which group a person belongs. 

see: Lesbian profiled & pepper sprayed by cops

Donaree Muirhead doing an overview of the training at the start of the day

We have had several rounds of trainings via Amnesty International through Carla Gullotta thorugh to other names and groups and the results are slow in the making. Maybe there needs to be sanctions in place to make persons conform

KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) – Some 230 newly minted police constables, who have benefitted from diversity training, are being urged to use the knowledge gained to make a difference in how they relate to the Jamaican public.

DCP Clifton Blake

“I am going to ask you to go out there and make a difference… in how you speak to persons,” advised Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) in charge of Operations, Clifford Blake.

“If you see your colleague doing something wrong, regardless of rank, regardless of service, just say to the person, I think you could have done this differently,” he urged the participants.

He was addressing the closing ceremony held on Wednesday at the Police Officers Club, St Andrew, where the participants were presented with certificates.

The two-day training sessions were held in the JCF’s five area divisions over the course of September and focused on the safety and security of women and girls, persons living with disabilities, marginalised youth, and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual or Transgendered (LGBT) community.

The training was conducted under the Culture of Lawfulness component of the Community Empowerment and Transformation (COMET) Phase Two, a project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in collaboration with the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).

The specific objectives of the training were: to increase awareness of the participants to the nuances of the diverse groups in society; create a better understanding of the safety and security issues and challenges facing these groups; increase the capacity to develop interventions that are inclusive or are specific to the needs of the diverse groups; and enable participants to maintain professionalism in the discharge of duties.

The training, which included interaction with representatives of the various groups, was in support of the strategic objectives of the JCF of upholding human rights and restoring public trust and confidence.

DCP Blake said the course was developed out of recognition of the value of impacting the mindset of persons just coming into the organisation, and as such, will be offered to upcoming batches of recruits.

also see from Gay Jamaica Watch: Stereotyping from the police 2011

Peace & tolerance


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