
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Lesbians, robbery, mistaken Identity & a wrongly accused man beaten

Queen Latifah from 'Set it Off' 2012 blockbuster immortalizing the butch woman gangsta aka 'Man Royal' in Jamaica

Gordon Pen, St Catherine by a popular community shop was the scene as persons were both angry and laughing as to the pieces to a strange puzzle of a robbery of the house shop as is customary in such depressed communities. A robbery via a break in took place somewhere between Friday night November 13, 2015 and Saturday the 14th with the result of some $60,000 cash and several grocery items went missing; no dollar value was ascertained for the groceries at the time of gathering this report as I made my way into the community thanks to a brethren who towed me on his bicycle and my investigative curiosity kicked in; I spoke to two ladies I know who reside nearby and who are angry as well as to the allegations and outcomes. The shop is popularly known as ‘Whitey’ nearing the popular section in the community known as ‘the gulf’ and is known for its music and jovial atmosphere with the occasional bashment street dances.

As it turned out the robbery was perpetrated by two women departing from the traditional male perpetrators according to investigations done by some of the men in the area but not before a man who has a bad reputation for break ins inside and outside the community and was subsequently accosted and roughed up by men who took matters in their own hands in a vigilante style approach. Further discussions over the weekend and observations by some of a white car deemed a taxi dropping off or appearing to be picking up items aroused suspicion and a subsequent visit to the address where one of the suspected women reside with her cousin resulted in boxes and bags of items of groceries and phone cards similar to what went missing found; which led to further interrogation by men from the lanes nearby of the driver when returned to make another pickup or drop off as the case may be. He could not give a proper account of the items and why he was making so many stop-offs. He was ordered not to return.

Threats of arson in regards to the house where the items were found and the ladies reside were made but one wonders if it was just hot in the heat of the moment.

As regret set in by some of the area men who participated in an assault exercise of the accused man with the bad break-in reputation residents quickly gathered at the house and were boisterous as they could not accept that the women would have been the ones to rob the popular community shop. The shop’s operator has a reputation of offering credit or as we say in Jamaica ‘trust’ where some other shops tend to have misgivings and so makeshift signs on their doors or entrance spots with wording to the effect ‘No trust’ or ‘No credit’ ‘Absolutely no credit’ which tends to turn off patronage to rival shops who do offer some delayed payment system. The popular shop also offers breakfast at reasonable rates from egg sandwiches for only $60 with a cup of tea and breaks down items that would be sold as a package; for example sliced bread as a whole is sold in slices if persons do not have enough money or Vienna sausages or bulk ones are literally opened and sold in low denominations of one to three and upwards. So one can understand the justification of the upset of the residents; the police were notified they did come eventually and the items left in the house were seized with one of the accused ladies present but not before the angry residents and the ‘shotta thugs’ verbally abused them and the castigation included that they were ‘sodomites’ and living together.

The tense standoff lasted according to my sources some twenty minutes with the cops appealing to the residents to keep calm while the ‘shotta thugs’ could not exact their version of justice and were hampered to execute same since the police were there and warned persons; according to my source their faces said it all as they were peeved they could not act and discipline the girls involved. A truck was said to have arrived to remove their belongings yesterday and the driver and crew were verbally abused but that soon died down. There was some concern that the truck would be trailed by bikers who live in the community in the lucrative bike rental business but with the death last Saturday of a man who rented one of the bikes for $300/2hr without any serious experience he was eventually ran over by a motorist on the main road so such bikers are curtailed for now. Some of the bikes have since been seized and deemed illegal without a license both by riders and machinery alike.

Yesterday afternoon the truck returned to collect the remaining stuff with police which was where I was brought into knowledge of the occurrences as the boisterous residents were out again asking or demanding blood in as far as the accused ladies are concerned; none of them has been seen in the area since and the cops’ visit and the one lady who was on site was not taken in or detained for questioning which to me seems strange. One of the women is said to be a butch identified person or as stereotypically sighted ‘man royal’ a term made popular by dancehall acts such as Beenieman and Elephant Man and used to justify opposition verbally or violently to such women as they are seen as a threat to men especially in the department of multi-partnering; some men really believe that such women are sharp and may steal away other women sexually via good oral sex which may make such passive partners extremely satisfied as they may reach an orgasm easier than with a man. On the opposite side of things butch women are also seen as one of the boys in some circles and are treated as men in a social circle construct; so they do the things the guys do and still be a lady in a sense, smoke weed, dress as a typical ‘thug’ and have and share women or be allowed to access women for sex on behalf of the boys in the circle. Problem is when there is a standoff she is the first to be blamed or castigated as a ‘manroyal’ and or a man wanna be so she deserves anything that comes her way, including violent reactions or corrective rape in the extreme. 

more on the manroyal problems:

Tensions were still high this morning as the house is now empty according to my source, I did not get a chance to get back to the lane to get a first hand view as Gordon Pen is close to my housing community. This incident just goes to show the challenges that can come when same gender loving women get into criminal behaviour, I am reminded of the ‘cash for gold’ woman who was subsequently involved in an altercation with one of her male counterparts yet the matter was reported and seen by some including JFLAG as an attack due to her sexuality when that was NOT the trigger for the attack initially; she was accused of relieving cash she was due to hand over to another business partner and could not account for same hence the imbroglio.

Another lesbian was murdered some weeks ago and her nine-night (ninth night remembrance event) was held Saturday last thanks to a colleague who confirmed it; she was killed due to an ongoing gang warfare in Spanish Town and she was said to be related to one of those involved in that war. Meanwhile one ‘Black Marsha’ or 'Marsha Blacks' also passed away recently from kidney failure as she was said to have missed her dialysis treatments over time due to the overwhelming waiting list at public facilities for such services; she had missed several dates as she became frustrated with the system and simply stopped the follow up. Sadly it has caused her her life.

May their souls rest in peace.

 a song for the girls gone

Hope we learn it makes no sense to get involved in criminal activity and this one could have ended up with far more disastrous consequences and outcomes.

Peace & tolerance


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