
Monday, January 18, 2016

Jamaican Bisexual man wins right to stay in the UK after protracted deportation battle

So finally Orashia is now able to remain in the UK amidst the high publicity his case had received and the fear of his return to Jamaica may have put him at way higher risk than normal given the sensitivities involved.

Vienna Browne with her son Orashia Edwards, pictured centre, his sister Ashema Edwards, far right, and her wife Issy Mangham-Edwards

Orashia Edwards, 33, has spent three and a half years battling attempts to deport him to Jamaica – where he says he would face discrimination because of his sexuality.
Mr Edwards, who has been detained a number of times, initially had his pleas for asylum on the grounds of sexuality rejected – after authorities claimed was heterosexual and had just been “experimenting” with men.

The UK government pushed ahead with plans to deport Mr Edwards, even though homosexuality is illegal in Jamaica, and LGBT people face the risk of vigilante violence.
But this week he finally won the right to remain in the country, after a string of victories.

He said in a statement: ” I want to thank everyone who has supported my campaign over the years, none of this would have been possible.

“I’m finally allowed to work so have applied for my National Insurance number and can go get a job and open my own bank account. Things are really looking up for me, I’m buzzing.”

Despite the victory, a number of other LGBT people are still battling deportation to countries where they face jail, violence or even death.

So many Jamaicans have had to leave our shores especially in 2014/5 as a sharp rise in incidents has forced persons to leave and also for economic reasons as well.

The Defend Orashia Facebook page has been positive on the issue and thanked supporters for their interest.

family and friends outside courtroom in 2015

I am pleased this one ended well and he can now move on with his life and also the great support from his family especially his mother who spoke publicly before.

Peace & tolerance


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