
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Protect & Promote Human Rights, Economic and Social Justice for All Jamaicans Petition

sign the petition Here

The Road Towards Sustainable Development: A National Focus on Human Rights, Economic and Social Justice

Equality, justice, and protection are essential to growth and development; Jamaica’s National Development Plan (Vision 2030) was developed on this premise. The Plan recognizes the importance of inclusion given our diversity as a people has been dubbed by said Plan as one of our national strengths. We live in a Jamaica that is affected by economic and social injustices, where there is inadequate protection for the rights of all people without prejudice and discrimination, regardless of economic status, religion, gender identity, place of origin, sex and sexual orientation, ability, age, health or any other status. We also live in a society where there is inadequate protection for the environment on which we depend for sustenance.

J-FLAG is therefore calling on the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and People’s National Party (PNP) to consider the following human rights, economic and social justice issues as critical matters that must be addressed by the next government as part of efforts to achieve Vision 2030.
Empower People with Disability (PWD) to Achieve Their Fullest Potential and Fully Contribute to and Benefit from Jamaica’s Development in accordance with Vision 2030 Goal 1, Outcome 2 and Social Development Goals 1, 3, 4, & 8
Enhance the Lives of Retired Persons, the Elderly and their Families in accordance with Vision 2030 Goal 1, Outcomes 1 & 3 and Social Development Goals 1 & 3

Reduce Stigma and Discrimination and Protect and Promote the Rights of the Most Vulnerable and Marginalized within the Jamaican Society in accordance with Vision 2030 Goal 2, Outcomes 5 & 6 and Social Development Goals 5, 8, 10 & 11
Reduce the Number of Children and Youth Living and Working on the Streets by Half in accordance with Vision 2030 Goal 1, Outcome 3 and Goal 2, Outcome 5 and Social Development Goals 1 & 3

Reduce Income Inequality and Secure Economic Justice for All Jamaicans in accordance with Vision 2030 Goal 1, Outcome 3 and Social Development Goals 1, 5, 8 & 10
Protect the Rights of Children, Youth and Adults who Come in Conflict with the Law in accordance with Vision 2030 Goal 2, Outcome 5 and Social Development Goal 16
Address Homelessness and Protect the Rights and Well-Being of People who are Displaced and Homeless in accordance with Vision 2030 Goal 1, Outcome 3 and Goal 2, Outcome 5 and Social Development Goals 1 & 3
Protect the Human and Civil Rights of LGBT Jamaicans in accordance with Vision 2030 Goal 1, Outcome 2 and Goal 2, Outcome 5 and Social Development Goals 3, 4 &16
Create and Strengthen National Mechanisms to Facilitate the Enjoyment of Rights in accordance with Vision 2030 Goal 2, Outcomes 5 & 6 and Social Development Goal 16
Promote Environmental Protection as a National Priority in accordance with Vision 2030 Goal 4, Outcomes 13, 14 & 15 and Social Development Goals 2, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15

J-FLAG is calling on the next administration to commit to economic and social justice for all Jamaicans guided by a human rights framework toward achieving sustainable development. We cannot achieve Vision 2030 if the state, the Opposition, civil society, and our people do not work cooperatively and collectively to reduce and eliminate all forms of inequalities. Vision 2030 will only be achievable when there is adequate protection, consideration, coverage, access and empowerment for our people to achieve their full potential. 

We cannot continue to marginalize parts of the society, and we cannot continue to engage in business and personal activities that contribute to the degradation of the natural environment. We are aware that this cannot only be the responsibility of the next administration, but will require partnerships. We are calling on both the Jamaica Labour Party and the People’s National Party to declare their unwavering and actionable commitment to equality for all and for environmental protection. If we action this commitment, we will improve lives, families and businesses, and preserve the environment for future generations.

The organisation is willing to work with the next administration and all stakeholders and partners to action these recommendations.

You may read the full call to action here: 

also see from Gay Jamaica Watch:

Buggery law referendum baiting by JLP in #Javote2016 campaign

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