
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sexting Basics: What You Need To Know Before You Press Send

Given some recent occurrences this post could not have been more opportune

Sexting Basics: What You Need To Know Before You Press Send

Over the past couple of years the candid images of celebrities holding cell phones taking nude photos of themselves have become the norm. Chris Brown, Rihanna, Yung Joc, Yung Berg, Cassie, Eve and Jill Scott are just some of the mounting number of stars who clearly didn't know the rules of sexting.

The act of sexting can enhance your sex life in situations where you are in a long distance relationship where spending quality time with your partner isn't always feasible. But at the same time, it can also destroy your public image if your phone is hacked or if you and your boyfriend breakup and he decides to get revenge by posting your photos on Xtube or by releasing them to every tumblr known to man.

If you’re going to get into this sexting game, you have got to know how to do it right. To avoid sexting altogether can be somewhat lame. With amateur porn becoming more popular now than ever, who doesn't like to receive photos specifically tailored to their likings?

If you absolutely feel the need to send naughty photos, here is a guide on how to do so correctly and protect yourself in the future, if they are ever leaked:

Know Your Audience
You should only send nude photos to someone you know and trust without the shadow of a doubt. This may seem simple but everyday nude photos of someone are uploaded onto the internet. Sometimes it's out of sheer admiration without any harm intended, While in other scenarios, it may be to humiliate the person featured in the photos. Often times in these cases the victim goes unaware of their internet fame and by the time they discover the photos, they have gone viral!

If you can barely trust your future ex, do not send pictures to guy or girl that you barely know. This will prove to be hard, since you can be in a long term relationship with a man or woman for years and still not know him or his motives. However, if you don’t know him or her and you're being pressued to send naughty flicks, or if you are just yearning to showhow good you look when you get out the shower, or maybe you want to show which way your penis hangs, then go on to the next rule…

Face or Body
When someone asks to see a picture of you, always send a photo of your face first. If they want something a little more revealing they will ask, at which time you send them a picture of your body without your face being attached. You never, ever show both face and body in the same picture!

Neither should you take them in the same room. For example, if you send him a photo of your face and the background of the photo shows you in the bathroom, then your nude photo (face not included) should be taken in a different location. This ensures that if both photos were to ever be leaked or published intentionally, viewers will not be able to use the background of those images to link your face and body together.

No I.D.
Tattoos, birthmarks, jewelry, or as previously stated--backgrounds are not permissible. Even if you didn’t put your face in a sext, some people will go to amazing lengths to identify you in a nude photo. Have you ever watched a porn scene where the company hides one of the actors faces with a hood or hat, yet their tattoos are clearly visible? Pointless!

If you can, try to angle your body so that such spcifics as tattoos are not visible. For extreme measures, you may have to use generic sheets to cover up large identifying body marks or even tattoo makeup.

Remeber to be mindful of your backdrop. Be sure that there aren't any photos of your family and friends posted on the walls behind you. Better yet, take the photo in a hallway where the walls are as bare as your body.

Do whatever you must to protect yourself, just make sure to take anything that is specific to you out of the picture.

Be A Five-Star Amateur Porn Star
If you decide to show your face out of free will or under the pressure of someone who wants to see both your face and body in the same photo, look on point. Nobody wants to be all over the internet streets as the next joke or trending disaster.

Make it look like you intended to be on the internet and own your photo. The best way to combat negative publicity is to own it like you did it on purpose. So make sure you are groomed from head to toe and be sure to send the absolute best, porn worthy photo of yourself.

The Bartering System
This system is when you have a guy send you a picture that is equally incriminating as the picture you intend to send. If you send a photo of you with your ass cheeks spread, hole just saying, "Wink-wink, hello," he should send the same type of picture. This way if he ever outs you on the internet, you have the same ammunition to embarrass his ass right back.

If he's a top and sends you a dick pic, even if you are a bottom, reply with a peen photo of your own. If he wants a photo of your ass, he needs to send one of his. A trade for the trade! Tops will most certainly get defensive when you ask for an ass pic so be prepared but don’t let that detour you. It is important to keep it on the same playing field in order to protect yourself. Don’t let him or anyone get an advantage.

Once an image is sent to someone's phone, kik, email or the internet, know that the likelyhood of that photo surfacing on multiple platforms is great. In the age of social media, photos are retweeted, pinned, liked and redistributed all over the web for everyone to see.

It's simple, if you don't want to end up on the internet for forever, than don't send out nude photos of yourself to anyone!

Sure you could contact myself, or another blogger in order to have your content removed, but keep in mind that by the time you've reached out to them--others have already "right-clicked" and "saved".

Be smart and never send anything out, that you wouldn't want your mother, father, siblings, friends, pastor, future employer, or your future self to see.

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